Page 1 of Unknown Protector


While feeling the pressure of filling his father’s shoes, not only in the MC but at the station, Noah Anderson finally followed his heart and pursued Ellie, the princess of the Nameless Order.

Tensions were high between Anderson and the club. When the club learns of what happens in the dark between Ellie and Anderson, it puts them at a boiling point. Cowboy doesn’t understand the type of relationship that Ellie and Noah have and assumes the worst in Anderson. This is what led Cowboy to beat the hell out of Anderson. This made Ellie refuse to have anything to do with her family—especially her brother Cowboy.

Regardless, Anderson’s devotion to the MC and his woman never faltered. He wanted to be back in the club’s good graces and wanted his sister to see that they both needed Cowboy and the rest of the members of the MC. To show his devotion to the club and Ellie, he allowed Cowboy to brand his chest—directly over his heart—with the Nameless Order rocker.

That moment of joy and acceptance turned when Carson saw the brand. Because of Anderson’s rejection, Carson told Connard. Connard attempted to cut the brand off Anderson but was stopped by Anderson’s Sargeant. Because Anderson chose the MC, he was fired and was no longer the man on the inside. When he told the club, they returned their faith in him by patching him in, and Noah Anderson is now forever known as Copper.

**Please scroll back if you want to read the trigger warning, preface, and dedication.**



*Two months ago*

Holy shit.

I feel like my body, mind, and soul are seizing. I’m positive that I’ve forgotten how to breathe. My life no longer makes sense as I sit and watch. My eyes were on the streets, attempting to clock anyone for speeding, but everything changed. Watching is what I am good at. I can sit for hours on end and watch. It’s something that I have always been able to do. It’s one of the reasons why I’m the ticket bitch for the station and constantly sit on my motorcycle, waiting to give someone a ticket. Today was supposed to be no exception, but everything changed. My world collapsed within itself. Everything is different in an instant.

Breathe, Whitley. Breathe.

But I couldn’t. Something was stopping me. No, not something—someone.


My eyes travel to him, and that’s where they stay. I can’t believe what I’m seeing,whoI’m seeing. He isn’t why I’m here, but he is the reason I am staying. He’s the reason why everything is different now. I don’t know who he is. I don’t know his name. I know that I want him to be mine. I’ve never seen a man like him before. I want to watch him, follow him, and consume him always.

He’s beautiful—the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in my life. He has slightly curled hair that is longer on the top and a close-cut beard. I can’t see the color of his eyes from here, but I know the color is perfect for him. I can see that even though his face is hard, his eyes are soft. Like he’s been through some shit in his life. I want to know what had happened that made him this way. I know that he has a story. Just like I know that he’s mine. Just like I know that I am going to make sure to do whatever it takes tomakehim mine.

A growl escapes my lips when I watch him pick up the woman from the bench she’s on. He cradles her to his chest as I fist my hands so tight that I can feel the skin breaking from where my nails dig in. How dare he? Who is this woman? Doesn’t she know that he belongs to me? Fuck. I need to stop. He doesn’t belong to me. This anger is almost overbearing. I take a deep breath to calm myself down, and that’s when I see the back of his jacket.Shit.He’s a member of the Nameless Order. This was the last thing that I wanted and absolutely what I didn’t need. This makes everything that much harder. But I can’t allow this little problem to stop me from getting him. When I look around, I don’t see any other club members, but I do see Anderson.

What is he doing here?

I shake my head. He doesn’t matter. Anderson isn’t why I’m here. I was here to work, but lately, I didn’t even want to do that. I didn’t care about giving out tickets at all. So much so that the second I saw him, I only cared about him.


At that thought, a car goes speeding past me. My hiding spot makes them think they’re in the clear to keep driving like a piece of shit through town. How could I let myself do this? All over a man?A fucking gorgeous, man.Damn it! I can’t allow myself to get distracted. Not now. I’m on a fucking motorcycle. My focus should be my work, not the gorgeous man.

There is nothing that I can do now. I fucked it all up.Go after the driver, dipshit.

I watch the man walk away from me and place the woman in a car. Not long after, he drives off, and I feel my soul shatter. I have never in my life experienced this feeling. This instant need to claim. This powerful sense of ‘mine.’ Something shifted in me when I saw him, and as I watched the tail lights disappear, I decided.

I will find out who he is, and I will make him mine no matter what. Shifting my bike into gear, I flip the switch for the lights and attempt to catch up to the dipshit driver.

I may have denied it at first, but there was no point anymore. My heart and soul chose him. There’s no changing it now. That man belongs to me.

*Present time*

I’ve been watching him every chance I got. I couldn’t believe my luck when I looked out my window and found the man I had been obsessing over moving in across the hall from me. I couldn’t bring myself to leave my door. The side of my face was plastered to it, watching him through the peephole.

He’s so fucking beautiful.

The insane need to claim him didn’t fade; it only worsened. Each time I watched him walk away, this deep-seated need to breed him started to take over my body. It was soul-consuming, and I wasn’t sure what I would do if I couldn’t have him.

To make matters worse, I grew angry when I saw the other club member helping him move in. He was going into the object of my obsession’s home, and I wasn’t. I wanted to be the one helping him, but I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t just open the door and attempt to plant myself into his life. I wanted to, but I knew that it wouldn’t work. So, I settled for watching him the whole time and reminding myself that this other man wasn’t there to take the man I wanted.