His brown eyes are deep and dark as aged oak. If only he was more open-minded. I could show him a helluva good time.
“Help my bestie out,” Kenna says. “The floor’s pretty hard.”
I make an effort to hold back an obvious joke. The last thing I should do is make Tanner more uncomfortable about the idea of sharing his bed with me. There’s no carpet anywhere in this place to soften the blow of spending a few nights on the floor.
When Tanner turns to Kenna, his face softens immediately. “All right, if you insist.”
I’m not surprised he caved so easily. It’s impossible to say no to Kenna. Not that Tanner stands a chance, not with his best friend’s girlfriend.
Of course I could say the same thing about myself.
If only Kenna hadn’t met Brad, although it’s not like I ever asked her out myself. We were just good friends. That’s all I wanted for a long time, but things changed. I was with a guy when she met Brad. We broke up very soon after and I decided I would confess my feelings to Kenna. I can’t put a finger on when they changed from friendship to some thing more, but I couldn’t ignore it anymore.
Then, unlike all of her previous boyfriends, she ended up staying with Brad. I still had hope until they moved in together.
I remember everything about the day she first told me.
She and I had stopped for coffee when we were out for a walk. I knew something was on her mind, but I waited for her to bring it up. I had no idea she was going to drop that bomb on me.
“Brad and I are thinking about moving in together,” she told me.
“What.” I nearly dropped my mocha. “You told me you wouldn’t live with a guy again until you’ve got a ring on it. It’s barely been a few months anyway. What makes you want to move in with him now?”
“It’s too soon,” she agreed. “Way sooner than I’d like. I’m really struggling now. You know how I had to take a different job after I got laid off during Covid? It doesn’t pay nearly as much as my last one did. I have no savings any more and life’s getting so expensive. I can’t afford much of anything these days. I can barely manage to keep myself in appropriate office clothes. I hardly ever go out anymore. I don’t do much outside of working and hanging out. Even this coffee would’ve been kind of a splurge for me, if you hadn’t paid for it. Thanks again, by the way.”
“As if I wouldn’t buy you a coffee,” I say. “I didn’t know it was getting that bad for you.”
“Things are pretty dire. As much as I want to, I can’t live on my own anymore. Brad’s in the same boat. He’s making more than I am, but one of his roommates just gave notice. It’s made him reconsider everything and he’s tired of living with two other guys in the first place. Especially now after they’ve all gotten along so well. He agrees that it’s moving faster than we wanted to, but even so he wants to try living together.”
“What about you, Kenna? What do you want?” I asked her.
My heart dropped all the way to the floor. I was hoping they would break up. Not because I want her unhappy, and not because Brad’s a bad guy. From what I know of him, he’s pretty decent. He treats her well. Much better than most of the other losers she’s gone out with. Kenna’s my best friend and I want the best for her.
What she didn’t know was that I want her for myself. My best friend had absolutely no idea how much I was in love with her.
“What I really want is for things to stay the way they are. Everything’s great with Brad, and I don’t want to move too fast like I did with my ex. I’m really worried about what living together could do to Brad and I. What do you think, Cody?”
Her blue eyes caught mine. She and I have been best friends for a long time. We always take each other’s advice. No one knows her as well as I do and vice versa. If I told her not to move in with Brad, that it’s a really bad idea and gave her all the reasons why, she wouldn’t do it. I knew it.
I could have easily said no. Then I’d have a chance with her. I know I can make Kenna happy. I know I’m the right man for her. She would never think of me that way because as far as she knows, I’ve always been gay.
I thought I was too, but I’ve come to realize that’s not entirely true. I’ve never found a man for me. It took a long time to realize that’s because of Kenna. I want her. She’s the right person for me.
I made myself take a deep breath and really think about what to do. I just couldn’t be that manipulative. “It is really soon. It’s never a good idea to rush into something like that. Especially when it’s for the wrong reason. I wish I could help you out but I burned through my own savings when I got laid off. My new job’s barely keeping me afloat as it is.”
She nodded. “I know you would. I’d do the same for you. This economy sucks for everyone. Brad’s just keeping his head above water too. So you think I shouldn’t do it?”
I took her hand in mind and squeezed it tightly. “I think it’s too soon, but if you have to, you have to. You know if it doesn’t work out, you can always come and stay with me.”
That was when I really had to accept that she’s with Brad. Living with both of them is going to be pure torture. I only tolerated hanging out with him before because I wanted to see Kenna. She and I still get together on our own, but not as much as before she met Brad.
She’s spending a lot more time with him than any other boyfriend, and I’m afraid it truly is serious. Now here they are, renting a house out in the suburbs like some kind of a real couple or something.
I drag myself back to reality. Tanner’s gazing at Kenna and just for a moment, he gives her an unexpected look.
I stare at him. I know that look. He might have some feelings for her himself. I don’t believe he would’ve agreed to let me share his bed otherwise. Even Brad looks a little surprised that his friend’s agreeing so easily.
“Great, thanks, man,” I reply quickly before Tanner can change his mind, or realize what he’s done. I’m sure he only agreed because Kenna asked him. “I’m looking forward to sleeping with you.”