Page 87 of Burning Tears

Lawson bursts free from Dakota and Dad and the map Dad has. “Your head’s gonna feed us for weeks,” he says.

“Nice to see you too.”

“Everyone’s worried. What’s in here?” He nods to the back of my truck.

“An offering to your cells.” I go over the whole scenario, and the muscle in his jaw works.

He pulls his cuffs from his belt and opens the door. “Hitting women? Endangering children? Starting fires when there’s a ban? Vandalism? You and I are gonna talk.”

I leave him to it as I head for Mom and the others when an angry voice cracks the air like a whip.


I turn, and there she is, tear streaked, eyes wild and scared behind her glasses, cheeks pale, my beautiful Princess Sidney.

“I hate you.” She comes at me and throws herself in my arms, and I wrap around her, giving in to the shaking, sinking into the wonderful heat that’s her.

“I’m so sorry, Princess. Before . . . I don’t think you’re any of that.”

She shudders. “I know.” She looks up. “I’m still mad. I was so scared.”

I smooth her hair from her face with one hand, not ready to release her and everyone around us just seems to disappear. “I rescued a baby. Does that get me points?”

“I won’t kill you, how’s that?”


I really don’t care if we’re surrounded by everyone, I kiss her because I need it, because I want it, because I fear I might die without it.

When the kiss ends, she looks at me. “What if something happened to you?”

“It didn’t.”


“Let’s get out of here.” I don’t give her a chance to respond because right now, it’s chaos, but I need her. I need to be with her. It’s a physical pull.

Not letting go, I drag her with me, and Sidney struggles to keep up with my pace. Half the town is in the main street, helping, so it’s easy enough to get away. I don’t stop until we get to my place. I lead Sidney up the stairs and into the living room. I turn to her and kiss her, holding her there, kissing her, long, slow, life-giving kisses.

The type where dreams are born and souls are formed. It’s healing. It’s intimate, it’s full of heat and wetness and the slide of our tongues. It’s a seduction of foreplay the likes I’ve never had. The likes I need.

Sidney kisses me back in the same way. We’re both shaking and touching, pulling at each other’s clothes.

The kiss only breaks to discard an item as we kiss, walk, and touch all the way to the bedroom.

We’re naked when I lie her on the bed. I don’t care I need to grab a shower, and I think she cares even less. The smell of smoke twines around us, along with the fresh sweetness of her. She’s soft and warm, and I kiss, lick, and taste her everywhere, taking my time between her luscious thighs. Drinking and taking from that prize of hers there. The inner and outer lips of her pussy, the hardness of her clit. The slickness she makes just for me to let me glide when I trace her with my fingers.

She tugs at me, whimpering, and I go up and devour her mouth, settling between her thighs.

My erection is aching, hard, and pushing at her. She reaches down and guides me to her entrance, and I push in, making her gasp.

Her thighs come up and wrap around me, and we kiss, fuck, and touch. It’s intimate, an almost gentle coming together, a making of love that rocks my soul with each thrust into her tight, hot depths, the squeeze of her.

When she lifts her hips to me, a pagan offering, it’s almost a seamless thing, into the deepening eroticism of it all. She’s fire. She’s heat. She’s everything.

When I come, she cries out, her body clenching hard and long on my cock, milking me until there’s nothing left, and my orgasm takes my body. A wild tingle from my spine spreads, and the tight heat that’s pure pleasure in my balls radiates.

It seems to last forever. She’s sighing, shuddering, moaning, and biting at me as her orgasm seems to synchronize with mine.