Page 97 of Burning Tears

The woman sniffs. She’s a real piece of work, able to speak whole volumes of disparagement without uttering more than a syllable.

I get it, I do, what Sidney said. She’s fucking scared of succumbing to someone like her mom, someone with as much personality as Vic, except this woman clamps it down and uses it like laser beams to zap people with her will. She’s been doing that to Sidney since she was born.

Mrs. Novak has got to hate that her daughter’s not playing.

Because Sidney might not see it, but I do.

She’s got just as much personality. She’s just all underground river and deep forests is my princess.

She’s so used to making herself small to avoid hurting this woman who I’m not sure can be hurt that Sidney thinks that’s what she is, small.

So, she’s scared.

Scared that I’m going to be the same as this woman. Cage her up.

I’m not.

But I am what I am, like fucking Popeye said. I protect what’s mine, like Sidney.

“The thing is, and I’ll try and use small words for you and go slow,” she says to me like she’s not insulting me, “is that Sidney’s naive. She’s sheltered. She’s not . . .strong. You probably see a young, rich girl paving your way to Easy Street. But the thing is, I control the purse strings.”

“That so?”

She smiles prettily. It’s sort of evil. “Yes. And Sidney won’t like your barebones lifestyle. Do you even have a job? A shower?”

I think about telling her to go fuck herself, but I have manners, and my mom wouldn’t be pleased. She’d cheer me on, but she wouldn’t be pleased.

Still, that isn’t what’s stopping me.

No, that’s Sidney.

This is her mom. I’m not crossing that line.

But I won’t let her insult me because what she’s actually doing is insulting Sidney. I don’t stand for that.

I tap my hand on the back of my sofa, not getting up. She’s still standing, imagining she has the upper hand.

I settle one foot on the opposite knee.

“I’m gonna put you straight. Sidney isn’t a naive puppy. She’s a thirty-year-old woman with a job and a life that might not fit your vision, but what can I fuckin’ say? Life sometimes disappoints.” I ignore her gasp at the curse. “Sidney is successful, has her own vision, and I might not get it, but she loves you.”

“It’s convenient to be on someone’s side when they have money.”

“Lady, I earn a lot of money. Got a side business of restoring vintage cars where people pay so much money, you’d—” I stop. Telling her mother she’d cream herself would be supremely satisfying, but I don’t go low. “Be shocked. I have a business degree and own Danny’s Garage. Not my name, by the way.”

“I will not listen—”

“Yeah, you will because you’re waiting for Sidney, and she’s staying with me. But unlike her, I don’t need to impress you. So, shall I go on? Yeah. Got a job, make a good living. Own my house. And even a shower. I just got back from helping fight and put out a fire, so I’m not scrubbed. Rescued a baby, if you’re handing out brownie points. No?”

“Sidney’s not staying with you!”

I rub a hand over my face. “This isn’t a competition. Sidney can do what she wants now I know there’s no danger. But you did something right because she’s a hell of a girl. You should be proud. Sidney’s spectacular. So, try being an actual mother and let her live.”

The woman goes white. Then her eyes cut to the door, and she points at me. “Did you hear him?”

“Give it a rest, dear,” Vic says. “I think he has more to say.”

I make eye contact with Sidney, who looks stricken, and I know I’m probably going to make it worse or better. Who knows?