Page 82 of Burning Tears

As for the car? It exists. Some college kids were in one, going camping and stopped here for directions to the campsite.

But Daddy? And why the fuck did this guy make it sound like a threat?

I can’t stop thinking about it, and I do the one thing I’ve kept from doing. I google.

There he is. Her father.

Edward Novak.

With a fuck ton of zeroes after his name.

And a new job.

As CEO of Alpine Energy.




“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me about your father,” Mack says, coming into the guest room I’ve taken over as an office when he comes home.

I’m not saying he storms in, but it’s close and there’s no hello, or, God help me, a kiss like I’ve pathetically gotten used to.

Swallowing, I finish what I’m doing on the computer and turn fully to face him.

There’s something about this that sets off old alarms, brings old walls closing in. Like when I was growing up, like every time I see my mother.

It’s the tone of entitlement, of the upper hand, the one who controls. The feeling of lacking, being less than, never living up. Of being trapped.

“What do you mean?” I ask. “What’s he got to do with this? Apart from going along with whatever Mom says?”

“Like you do?”

I reel back a little. “Like . . . Mack, I told you how it is. How I hate being . . . being. . .” I’m searching for a word.

“I don’t give a shit about them making you feel about five. You let them do that.”

“You’re not being fair.” I stare at Mack, a little stunned. “And I don’t go along with whatever she says. I’d be worthy of the word princess, as you like to call me, because I’d wear all the things she wants, live the life she wants, and probably be married to her choice of man.”

“Fuck.” He rubs a hand over his beard and sits on the bed, then places his hands on his thighs. “I’m trying, Sidney, I really am, but it feels like you’re jerking my chain and have been from day one.”

A part of me wants to tell him he likes that, but I don’t think sexual innuendo is going to go down well right now.

My father? I don’t . . . I don’t know what he’s getting at. “You need to tell me what Dad has to do with anything.”

“See here’s the thing, I care about you, I want to keep you safe. Fuck it, I want you to stick around. But I also fuckin’ love this town and the people here, and Dakota’s family, y’know?”

I don’t. Not at all. “Mack, I don’t know what you’re saying.”

“I’m trying to be nice, Princess, but it’s really hard because I had a visit today.”

I flinch, standing suddenly. “He’s here?”

He doesn’t answer, like he’s trying to put it all into words, or maybe like I’ll dig myself a hole.

But it hurts because I told him the truth, and now . . .