Page 79 of Burning Tears

“Princess . . .”

“No, this kind of thing is the perfect excuse for my mom to make my life miserable. I know I’m old enough to tell them where to go, but I do love them. I just want my own life, to make my own choices, and—”

She stops, puts her hand to her mouth, and squeezes her eyes shut. I slide my hand over her shoulder, suddenly unsure what to do.

“And you worry they’ll take over. I get it. What about—”


I was going to mention her gran, but I wouldn’t imagine an old lady could help, and now she’s brought up the mysterious Victor.

Yeah, it fucking pisses me off.

“Can’t help.”

Now I’m more pissed off there’s no one, is there? Not for her. She’s been trying to get her shit together, to prove she’s what she is, strong and independent, and now . . .

“Pack your things.”

She frowns. “Mack, I’m not going anywhere. You have my car. Waiting for that part?”

“What? Oh, yeah. No, I meant get your things and come with me.”

“I just said . . .”

I lean in and brush my lips over hers. “Yeah, I know. And it’s not about trust. I just don’t want you out here. I know I said it’s safe and it is, but it’s isolated and if someone does know you’re here, I’d rather you’re with me at my place. In town.”

She narrows her eyes. “Is this your way to get sex whenever you want?”

I stand and give her my most wounded expression. “Princess, I can have sex whenever I want.” Then I pause. “And yes. Yes, it is.”

Sidney smiles, then laughs. “Idiot.”

“Come on, if you get ready quickly, I’ll even let you drive my pickup and I’ll wrestle Christine.”

“It’s a deal.”

* * *

I wouldn’t call it domestic bliss we settle into over the next week, but it’s close.

Sidney’s surprisingly easy to live with.

She doesn’t try and take over, and she doesn’t wilt in a corner, either. I kind of love it, the more comfortable she gets, just in her own skin, the longer she’s with me.

I’d love to put it down to my magical sex power, but I think it’s her. She’s relaxing into a new phase of her life and having somewhere where she’s settled for as long as she wants to be settled—I told her that she could stay as long as she wants—rather than constantly moving or waiting to move.

Sidney tells me about her place, and it sounds pretty fucking great. Maybe way too lonely and something that just might be seen as armor or a wall between her and the world if someone chose to look at it that way.

I give her a tour of the Jag, and point out everything, especially the ‘work’ London did, which is a drawing on the side of the passenger seat. It’s small and it would need to be removed if I wanted to sell it as it devalues the Jag, according to idiots. I happen to think it increases the value. I’m never selling her anyway. That’s if I get around to finishing it.

Sidney’s got the guest room as her work room and the option to sleep in there.

She hasn’t.

She’s where she fucking belongs each night. In my bed. Naked. With me. Doing all kinds of nasty things.

Yeah, I don’t think it would have lasted the night if she’d ever chosen to sleep in there.