Page 58 of Burning Tears

She swallows and looks stiff and uncomfortable. Jumpy. Miserable. She looks for all the world like this is the last place she wants to be.

“I’m sorry. They came and dragged me out. It’s hard to say no.”

“You seem to be able to say it just fuckin’ fine with me.”

Sidney breathes out. “It’s not . . . I . . . can’t you just accept we made a mistake?”

I slide my fingers over her cheek, and goddamn it all, she melts and leans into my touch. Goddamn it to fucking hell and back.

“Princess, it didn’t feel like a mistake when I left you yesterday.” I come in close and speak low against her ear. “You put your hand in my pants, you begged me to finger you, to fuck you. We were kissing and ripping each other’s clothes off, and it took forever to part, and that only happened because you made me promise to fuck you as soon as I could.”

“Mack . . .” My name’s a moan.

I wrap an arm around her, bring it down, my hand on her hip, then her ass, pulling her up against me, right up, so the only thing that could come between us is a sheet of paper.

“You got on your knees, you took my fuckin’ cock into your sweet, hot mouth, and you sucked. Then you stopped and said you’d fuck me with your mouth next time. So, I’m all for changing your mind. But so sudden, such a change? Something happened, and it’s not you realizing we won’t work in the fuckin’ future.”

“Mack . . .” My name’s a broken whisper.

I step back, letting her go. “If you don’t want me . . .” I pull out my wallet and slap money on the bar as the drinks arrive. “Whatever the lady here wants too.”

She orders wine.

“If you don’t want me, fine, but don’t fucking hide or lie about it. But I’m not here for bullshit, Sidney. I’m not a bullshitter. Never have been, never will be.”

“Mack . . .” My name is a strangled sound.

“But, Princess, as far as I’m concerned, you have everything I want, everything I might need. I tried to say we don’t need a date or a plan or anything. Just let it happen. But not with games. Not with you hiding. Have a good night, Sidney.”

I pick up the drinks for the two ladies, and I stalk through the people in the bar and set them down.

“Heading home,” I say.

Then I turn and walk out the fucking door without even a glimpse back.



I’m still at the bar, waiting for my drink when he leaves.

There’s no need to look back. I know. It’s like something in me snuffs out, like things go dark and heavy.

Vic said not to answer my phone, but I did because I’m weak and my mother got into my head. She told me how stupid, how selfish I am. When I mentioned a man, she lost it, pointing out whoever it is won’t be into someone like me. That I need her to set up a suitable arrangement.

My pinot grigio arrives, and I thank the bartender, not sure what to do.

Mack’s gone, and I’m an idiot.

I’m more than aware of my age and how stupid I’m being. I’m more than aware of my mother’s heavy-handed manipulations.

They shouldn’t get to me. I know that. But the delicate webs of sparking life that’s Mack, that he sets alight in me are new and they could give at any moment.

I’m scared. Of letting myself fall so deep into that bliss of the two of us together, of how he made the world contract down into both of us, falling so far down that I can never get out.

All the what-ifs and doubts came rushing in after he left, somewhere around dinner time. He didn’t call, even though I couldn’t remember if he had my number or not. Then with my mother . . .

She knows how to pull strings, to press all the buttons. So, I decided to step back.