Page 30 of Burning Tears

His mouth feathers over mine, followed by the slide of his tongue, and inside, I throb right down deep, and an answering tingle flares in my clit. In my boots my toes curl, and something inside me melts. My heart is spinning, dancing and heat is everywhere.

And he hasn’t even really kissed me.

Mack raises his head, just a little, eyes glittering with the kind of carnal intent that’s always aimed at other girls. Never at me.

Never, that is until now.

It’s a livewire that short-circuits something in my brain.

All my senses burst into life and zero down onto him. The feel of him, hard and solid, against me. The beginnings—more than beginnings—of an impressive erection against my stomach. The slide of one thigh between mine. Fingers on my face.

He smiles, soft and thrilling, like what we’re doing is wrong, the beginning of the adrenaline rush of a lifetime.

I sigh, hands slipping up the soft cotton of his shirt, the hard contours of his muscles making my pulse drum. I reach up, one finger tracing the start of a tattoo at the bottom of his throat, the other to push into the buzz of his hair at the back of his scalp, soft and so close to his skin the inferno of his flesh warms me.

Mack doesn’t ask, he just lowers his mouth again and kisses me with intent. A deep search of a kiss, the thrust and tease of his tongue like sex, and everything in the world tips and twists and turns as I push up against him. Seeking more. Wanting whatever he has to give.

I’m like a thing of power from the deep that’s been sleeping, and now, I’m surging up with life from him. Like he’s the spark I’ve looked and longed for and never knew it.

He lifts his mouth again, just enough that our breaths mingle. The raggedness of need audible in each exhale. Our foreheads touch, lips a whisper from each other.

This time, I come up and close that gap.

It’s thrilling, taking the step, making that move.

Even more thrilling when he kisses me back, harder, deeper.

This is wrong. It’s right. It’s hotter than those flames he rescued me from. As we kiss, our mouths shift, fitting, each time taking us deeper. He winds his free hand around my waist to pull me right up against him and onto his big, hard thigh, up against his growing massive erection.

Mack kisses a trail to my ear and sucks on my lobe.

“Fuck, Princess, I wasn’t expecting that.”

What was he expecting? The woman with the perfect body and face who spoke to him at the bar? Who put her hand on his ass like she knows him?

I push at him. “Sorry to disappoint.”

“Sidney.” He refuses to release me. His hand slides to my throat. Fingers press against my pulse.

And every part of me arrows to that pressure.

The move of my blood, the pound of my pulse under his flesh.

“Mack, I know I’m not that woman.”

“June the waitress?” He laughs, strokes against my skin in soft soothing, disturbing moves. “I’d fuckin’ hope not. I think she’s about fifty something. Nothing wrong with that, but I prefer them not married with grown-up kids. Ya know?”

Heat burns in my skin. “No, I meant about at the bar.”

Why life doesn’t come with a rewind button, I don’t know, but if it did, I’d hit it.

I should scrap the kiss, but I know I wouldn’t. Just the jealous-sounding words. Because all explanations make me sound like I want more, which is ridiculous. I’m not even staying here. Not longer than I need to, and not for a man.

“Lissa? Got a past, a life lived, Sidney,” he says, kissing the corner of my mouth. “And I mean I wasn’t expecting a kiss so perfect. That’s all.”

Mack eases back a little, sliding his thigh from between mine, and letting go of my throat to lean against the wall. He keeps his hand around my waist, steadying me. Because I don’t know how he saw it, but he must have seen the slight wobble when he moved his legs.

I’m a little boneless.