Page 47 of Morning Dove

He headed for the stream near the cabin. He’d killed another rabbit, this one much plumper than the one they'd eaten the night before. He gutted and washed it, cleaning his knife and hands before heading back. Morning Dove smiled when he stepped inside. Seeing her there, waiting for him, made him long for her to be a permanent fixture in his life.

Finding her in his kitchen cooking the day she and Betsey cleaned his house had made him wish for things he never thought he’d have. Seeing her now, smiling at him as he walked through the door, made that longing more intense. The words, marry me, whispered through his head and he had to bite his tongue to keep from saying them aloud.

Aaron had talked to him about marrying her and what he’d told his friend then was still true. He wasn’t a catch by any means. He drank too much. Although he’d not had a sip in over two weeks, only time would tell if he could keep from reaching for another bottle.

His house was tiny and old and he couldn’t imagine any woman being eager to call it her home.

He pushed the door to the cabin closed as Morning Dove straightened from the fire. She smiled at him, something in her eyes telling him without words that she was glad to see him and he wondered…would she marry him if he asked?

She glanced at the rabbit, her smile widening. “Perhaps this one will not burn.”

The night before, and the reason their supper had been all but burned, filled his mind's eye and he grinned. “Oh, if we can burn it like we did yesterday, I’ll eat his charred hide and be happy to do it.” She blushed and looked away with her bottom lip caught between her teeth.

There was a metal rod over the fire. He spitted the rabbit and hooked it over the flames, making sure it would not fall. There was a small pot of water sitting next to the fireplace. Morning Dove must have fetched it while he was gone. He washed his hands and wiped them dry on his pant legs after standing.

Awkward silence filled the air when he looked over at her. Being inside that little cabin felt—intimate. As if they were in his bedroom, alone and naked.

She smiled and glanced away. “Why does being alone here now feel so different?”

At least he wasn’t the only one feeling it. “Because as of yesterday, things between us are different.” He crossed the room and lifted his hand, brushing the back of his fingers over her soft cheek.

She grabbed his hand, bringing it to her mouth before she kissed his knuckles. He felt it all the way to his toes. Stepping closer to him, she tugged his arm down and placed them at her waist. “A difference I enjoy.”

His blood rushed from his brain, straight to his cock as she looked up at him through her lashes. Hell's bells, but she was beautiful. She made his body ache with a need he’d never experienced.

Morning Dove reached for the buttons on his shirt, unhooking each one while still looking at him and even though he was so tired he could barely see straight, he knew what she wanted and he’d love her until he went blind if that’s what it took to make her happy.

She parted the material of his shirt when she unfastened the last button, her palms warm against his flesh. He sucked in a breath when she leaned in and brushed a kiss over his heart, her fingers tickling over his skin as she rose up on her toes and kissed a path up his neck. She licked him, pulling a groan from his throat, and he tilted his head back, his eyelids falling shut as she kissed her way across his skin.

She gave him a small bite and the feel of her blunt teeth lightly sinking into his flesh pulled another groan from deep in his chest. So many fantasies had played in his head for almost a year now, most of them starting just like this, but never once did he think any of them would ever come true.

Ben lifted his hand and slid it under her hair to clasp the back of her neck. He held her close and bent his head to drink in the scent that lingered in her hair. Her wandering fingers lowered, tickling a path across his stomach before going to the waistband of his trousers. She leaned back enough to unfasten them before pushing the material over his hips. When they hit his ankles, she went to her knees.

His entire body clenched tight as he looked down at her. She removed his boots, tossing them away as he kicked off his pants. Standing there naked before her and seeing her look up at him while on her knees before him, did things to him he couldn’t even begin to describe. He’d told Aaron he wasn’t good enough for her, but seeing her now, the way she was looking up at him?

She made him feel like he was.

He saw nothing in her eyes that said she saw him as the broken down drunk he’d been for more years than he wanted to remember. He felt—whole--staring down at her. Alive for the first time in ages, and he never wanted to feel dead inside like he had in the past.

She reached for him, taking his length into her hand before giving him a long stroke. His stomach clenched in anticipation when she leaned forward, opening her mouth to suck him between her lips.

As hard as he tried, he couldn’t keep his eyes open. His head fell back, his mouth open on a silent scream as she sucked him.

She made a sound in the back of her throat and he felt it all the way to his balls. He lifted his head and looked down at her. She was still watching him, her black eyes locked on his own, and he wouldn’t be able to take much more of that. Her submissive pose, the way she gazed up at him as she sucked his cock like he was her favorite meal made his entire body clench.

He reached for her, pulling her up from her knees and took her mouth in a brutal kiss he hoped branded her as his. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him as she dug her nails into his shoulders.

Ben pulled her dress up over her hips before sliding his hand between her legs. She was wet, his fingers sliding through her folds with ease. Morning Dove hissed when he touched the small bundle of nerves he knew drove her crazy with need and he pulled back far enough to see her face. The heat he saw in her eyes made his heart race.

She pulled her dress off, the firelight glinting on her skin, and was in his arms a moment later. He bent enough to grab her legs, wrapping them around his waist as he kissed her again and shuffled toward the bed. The moment he laid her down, she reached for him, guiding him to her wet entrance, and he gave her what she wanted.

Sliding into her damp heat was pure bliss and the need he had for her was a physical ache. He took her hard and fast, the headboard of the old bed slamming into the wall with every bruising thrust. When she tightened around him, her blunt nails digging into his back as she yelled his name, he followed, his body freezing as he emptied himself into her.

When they stilled, his ears were ringing as blood rushed through them. His face was buried against her neck and with every breath he took, all he could think was how perfect it felt being in her arms.

He lifted his head to tell her so, smiling when she looked up at him, the words stolen as the bed jolted, the sound of breaking boards loud in the stillness as they tumbled to the floor on the miserable excuse for a mattress as the bed ropes gave way.

They lay stunned for long moments before they both laughed. He’d never heard anything so wondrous than the sound of her laughter.