Page 49 of Morning Dove

Walter was watching them both when she lifted her head. The sneer on his face was familiar. He wore it most days, regardless of what she did.

He set his gaze on her and shook his head, his face turning red the longer he stared at her. “You’re really irritating me, girl.” He shifted in his saddle and glanced between her and Ben before staring at her. “You had to know I’d come looking for you.”

She bit her tongue to keep from saying anything. Having Ben standing there in front of her gave her confidence she never possessed before, but Walter hung Ben once already, and all he had been doing at the time was kissing her. She knew Walter would think more was going on between them, and that knowledge would get them both killed.

“What do you want?” Ben asked. “We’ve got a long ride back home and we’re in a bit of a hurry.”

Walter stared at Ben for long moments before laughing, the others joining him after a few seconds. When their laughter subsided, Walter shook his head. “If I wasn’t so hell bent on killing you, boy, I think I’d like you hanging around. You got balls the size of Montana.”

Ben said nothing, nor did he move. He stared Walter down and something in his stance made Morning Dove nervous.

She lay awake that first day after Ben had taken her from Walter’s place and wondered what would happen if, and when, Walter caught up to them. Nothing she imagined ever played out the way she hoped it would. In every scenario, Ben ended up hurt, or worse, and Walter would force her to go back home with him.

Her shoulders slumped as she stood there staring at the man who made her life a living hell since the day she laid eyes on him. It was no use trying to fight him. He would win regardless, and all the fighting they might do would only get Ben killed faster.

She stepped out from behind him, and he grabbed her arm the moment she did.

“Don’t, Morning Dove.”

His voice was a harsh rasp of sound, his anger so fierce she could hear it.

“I have to,” she whispered. “He will kill you if I do not.”

“I’ll not let that happen again.”

“And how will you stop it?”

“Don’t be stupid, girl.” Walter’s face was turning red again, his anger clear. “Say goodbye and get over here.”

Ben’s hand tightened on her arm before he turned toward her and lifted the other to cup her cheek. “Do you trust me?”

With her life, but it was not her life she was afraid for.

“Do you?”

She nodded, not trusting her voice.

“Then step behind me and let me handle this.”

Walter laughed, the noise loud in the stillness. “Well, ain’t this precious?”

Morning Dove glanced over at him. When their eyes met, he grinned. “You in love with him, Morning Dove? Is that why you want to leave me so bad?”

Walter rarely ever said her name. The fact he did now made a chill race up her spine.

“Well?” he said. “Are you?”

Ben’s hold on her tightened. He was staring at her when she turned her head to him, and Walter’s question lurked in his eyes.

Was she in love with him?

Yes. She knew without a doubt she was.

Would she ever say as much in front of Walter?


She looked away, shook her head, and lied. “No. I am not in love with him.”