Page 42 of Morning Dove

When the first tear fell, he didn’t think beyond comforting her and closed the distance between them, wrapping her in his arms. “Hey, don’t cry. I’m fine.”

She cried harder at that and buried her face against his neck, her arms tight around his back, her broken sobs hurting his heart. “I was so scared…”

“Shhh…I’m fine. It’s over now.”

They stood there for a long time as she sniffled and cried. As he held her close, he realized being hung hadn’t only affected him. Waking up under that tree, his only thought had been of her. Of getting on their trail as fast as he could. She’d been taken, but not once had he stopped to think about what it might have been like for Morning Dove to witness them hanging him. He remembered her screams. Remembered trying to calm her fears, but she’d cried harder when he did. He knew why now. She’d watched them knot a rope around his neck and put him on Cash’s back, knowing they were going to kill him. None of that ever crossed his mind. He woke under that tree with one thought only. That Walter took her away from her home. Away from him. And he needed to get her back. But Morning Dove was taken from Willow Creek with images of him dangling from that tree fresh in her mind. She’d thought he was dead. He knew why her reaction at seeing him again had been so intense.

He didn’t know what Morning Dove felt for him, if anything at all, but her tears told him she cared and she felt responsible, and he hated that she did. It wasn’t her fault. None of it was. Had he not been there when they found her, no one would have ever known what happened to her.

Her tears finally dried, but he kept her wrapped in his arms. She didn’t move to pull away, either. Ben stroked her hair, slicking the long strands down against her back. When she shifted, her hands sliding down to rest around his waist, he remembered they were naked, wrapped in each other's arms, and that was enough for the blood that had managed to crawl back into his brain to start rushing to his lower extremities again.

He stilled, trying to think of anything other than her, but one slight move and he could feel the slide of her breasts against his chest and when he hardened, his length pressed between them, he stilled and waited to see what she’d do.

The tears clogging her throat lodged there when Morning Dove felt Ben’s body react to their closeness. Feeling him hard and pressing against her stomach brought its own awareness, reminding her they were naked and pressed as close to each other as they could get. His arms loosened a fraction, but he did not let go. His chest expanded as he inhaled a breath before letting it out slow.

Their relationship had been in a constant state of change over the past several weeks, and she had wondered on more than one occasion if it would ever become anything more than him flirting with her. Now, here she stood in a river with him, naked and clinging to him, the moment turning into something—more—with every passing second.

She lifted her head. The intense look on his face caught her breath. His eyes were focused on her lips and she licked them without thought. He groaned when she did, his hardened length twitching between them.

Her gaze roamed his face. He looked tired, but for once, his blue eyes were clear. Bright. He had not had a drop of whiskey in almost two weeks, and knowing she was the reason pleased her more than being with him at this moment did. If nothing ever came of this other than him not drinking anymore, then everything she had gone through would be worth it.

Ben cupped her cheek, staring at her mouth a long moment before lifting his gaze. She was not sure what he was looking for, but he must have found it. He lowered his head, his lips brushing across her mouth once, twice, three times, before giving it a soft lick.

He pulled back to look at her, silently asking her if he should stop. Her heart pounded in her chest and she had lost count of how many times she had dreamed of being right here—in his arms and wanted.


And she would not waste the opportunity to let him know how much she wanted him in return.

She answered his silent question by splaying her fingers across the hardened muscles of his chest before lifting up on her toes and wrapping her arms around his neck. The move caused every inch of her torso to slide against the front of him and the feel of his flesh was exquisite.

They were so close now, she could feel his breath on her lips. She looked into his eyes for a long moment before tilting her head and kissing him. He deepened it, and her blood heated. She pushed closer, tightening her hold on him, a low groan was pulled from his throat when she shifted and rubbed her hips against him.

Her lips parted, allowing him entrance, and he licked into her mouth as she dug her fingers into his hair. The kiss took on an urgency she could feel. Her nerve endings jumped, her breasts ached, her nipples pebbled and hardened, and a dull throb started to beat between her legs.

Ben pulled away with a gasp, burying his face against her neck while peppering small kisses against her skin. “If you only knew the things going through my head at the moment…”

His words ended on a groan when she tilted her hips, rubbing against him again. “Probably the same things going through mine.”

He grabbed her bottom with both hands and squeezed, pulling her tight against him before he placed more kisses and licks against her neck and she burned. Her limbs inflamed with every kiss against her skin, and she was breathless with need. He was not close enough. She wanted to feel him—everywhere.

Thoughts of being with him raced through her mind and...she wanted him.

Wanted the weight of him on top of her.

Between her legs.

Inside her.

Having Ben in such a way would forever change their relationship, but if it never happened, she’d live the rest of her life regretting the opportunity.

She lifted her leg, dragging her foot up the back of his calf, and he groaned again, reaching down to catch it and pulling it to his hip. The small shift caused his length to press between her legs and she rolled her hips, feeling him slide between her folds.

His hold on her tightened, one hand squeezing her bottom. His mouth claimed hers again, kissing her with an urgency she felt thrumming between their bodies. She ground herself against him, almost crazed with the desire to get closer.

“Morning Dove…”

Her name came out harsh and garbled, as if he was warning her. She lifted her head to look at him. His lust filled gaze burned through her body. She had never given herself to another freely. Never been with anyone other than Walter. Had never wanted anyone with such intense need, and--she wanted Ben. Needed him.