I understood her words to an extent. Even in our small group, I felt how I could balance the others. But I also saw how they balanced each other out on their own. And how they gave me things I lacked. Trying to pull my hands out of Willow’s grip, the concern from earlier coming back, she held on tighter.
“We are the control of our realm Halley. Without an Enchantress, the worlds would fall apart. That’s why we both needed to stay behind. To bring balance to the realms.” Willow’s voice got frantic the more she spoke, as if begging me to understand, the calm and aloof woman we had seen so far completely disappearing.
Finally, I managed to release my grip from her hands and began backing towards the door. I didn’t want to be in her space anymore, my mind telling me that something was wrong with what she was saying.
When I reached the door, Willow seemed to snap out of whatever trance she had been in, a tranquil smile taking over her crazed expression.
“It is not my intention to bombard you, dear. But at a young age, I was informed of my responsibility and duty to this realm. One day, that will be your responsibility. However, until you are ready, I will continue to keep the balance.”
Nodding, I finally backed out of the room, making my way back towards the others, trying to shake the feeling that there was more going on with Willow then she was telling us.
Making my way back towards the center of the castle, I found my men and Kalani and Maeve sitting among couches, a lit fireplace at the center. Although different, the image reminded me of all our days and nights in the common area of our dorm and my heart settled, knowing we were all together once again. Even if the next war started tomorrow morning, we had at least the rest of today.
“What’d the creepy Enchantress want?” Madden asked nonchalantly, and I smirked at his words. I was glad I wasn’t the only one who felt that.
Knox, however, tossed a pillow at Madden, reprimanding him. “Don’t say stupid shit. At least she’s helping us. We wouldn’t have Halley back without her.”
No one said a word to that, but I watched as Wilder mumbled something to Madden, and I knew he was agreeing with his statement. Even though Willow had helped, and I was grateful she had brought me here, that didn’t mean she wasn’t creepy. Truly, anyone that had been hiding in a castle for centuries would be a little creepy.
Eli motioned me over to his couch, and I squeezed in between him and Knox, our couch between the two others. Maeve and Kalani were cuddled on the couch to our left, whereas Madden and Wilder took up residence on our right. I thought back to Wilder’s words last night and as I watched the two grumps talk together, I could see the friendship that had grown between them.
“We have the rest of the day, right? No one has anything important to do?” Kalani asked, looking specifically at Knox.
Shaking his head, Knox responded. “I figured we could use a day to relax before everything goes to shit again.”
“Perfect. Then I suggest we make use of this empty and way too big castle.” Kalani continued, clapping her hands together, a large grin on her face.
I had no clue what her plan was, but I knew by the smile on her face that it included having some fun, something I think we all needed. Sometimes, I felt we had lived a million years, never once getting the opportunity to be carefree young adults without a concern in the world.
“What do you have in mind?” Eli asked, sitting up from the couch with his own grin spreading.
“I say we pretend to be kids for a bit. Hide and seek. You can use all your powers to your advantage.”
Although silly, I started to get excited at the idea. I had missed out on so much of my childhood, a simple game seemed like the most meaningful thing. And as Kalani sent a wink my way, I realized that was her intention. Giving me back some of the moments I had lost due to my cruel past.
“Fuck it, I’m in.” Madden said with a shrug.
As he spoke, Wilder clapped him on the shoulder, baring his fangs, before responding. “I can be it first. I bet none of you will stay hidden for longer than ten minutes.”
Knox scoffed at his answer, staring Wilder down. “I’ll take that bet. Don’t forget, I can see where you’ll look.” Tapping his head, a cocky smirk spread across his lips.
“Then we’re all in. Wilder will be the seeker first. We get a five-minute head start. We’ll need it in this big ass mansion.” Kalani said, finishing the instructions, and then within seconds, the six of us were off, Wilder sarcastically counting from where he stood with his eyes closed.
Taking off in a sprint, I dashed towards the left side of the castle, knowing the right side had more large rooms, whereas the left had smaller spaces to hide in. The others all raced in opposite directions, besides Knox, who strolled along, sending me a wink with all the confidence in the world that Wilder wouldn’t find him.
I quietly made my way towards a small hallway that I was pretty sure was filled with linen closets. Opening the third door on the right, I was met with a spacious closet filled with towels and figured this was the best place I could find. Tucking myself in, I threw up a silencing shield, knowing it wouldn’t keep Wilder out, but hoping it would hide my breathing from his ears.
Several minutes passed, when suddenly the door to my closet was yanked open. I worried Wilder had already found me, but instead of the snarky Drax, my broody Shifter stood in the doorway. As quick as he opened the door, Madden squeezed into the space beside me, shutting the door and enclosing us in the dark.
“Hi there. Couldn’t find your own hiding place?” I teased, wondering what Madden’s plan was.
“I was promised some alone time. I figured I’d take what I can get.” Madden’s meaning behind his gruff words wasn’t lost on me and if I was being honest, I was more than willing to take advantage of this time alone.
“I can’t break that promise, now, can I?” I responded; my voice sultry with arousal.
Managing as best as I could in the small space, I shimmied out of my clothes, Madden following suit almost immediately. We both knew that we didn’t have much time. Wilder would find us all eventually and I wouldn’t put it past him to do so in less than ten minutes like he bragged.