“Such a shame,” he continues, walking toward the bed. “We were going to have fun with you, but thanks to yourfriend, Noah is still pretty messed up.”
He means Bowie. Bowie is the reason Noah hasn’t been here. I wonder what he did.
“But that doesn’t mean I can’t have my fun with you. I mean, it would be a shame not to. I’ve jerked off to your pictures so many times. But you’re so much better in person.”
I don’t panic because I’ve been around men like this before. They think they’re God’s gift to women. If he wasn’t such a bastard, I would say he’s attractive, but it’s because of his looks that he believes he can get whatever he wants.
And the fact I’ve shown no interest in any of them is the reason they want me—they see me as a challenge, one they want to conquer. But they’ve underestimated the wrath which runs through me.
“If you scream,” he warns. “I’ll gag you. But I don’t want to do that because I prefer that beautiful mouth to be gagging on something else.”
He commences stroking over the front of his white trousers. Bile rises, but I remain calm.
“I’m going to loosen your restraints, but if you try anything, I will knock you out. Got it?”
I nod.
“Good girl. I don’t need you awake for what I want anyway,” he adds, which just confirms this bastard deserves everything I’m about to inflict on him.
He sits on the bed and gently brushes the hair off my brow. I remain passive. He unfastens the leather strap from around my chest. I exhale deeply because I can breathe a little better. He then unfastens one of the leather cuffs from around my wrist but leaves the other bound.
I don’t move.
He takes a moment to look at me. “You really are beautiful. Too bad you’re a crazy bitch. But you know what they say about crazy people—”
He leans down and smells the side of my neck. “They are crazy in bed.”
I try not to cringe because who speaks so disgustingly? He laps at my throat with his revolting tongue. I’m going to take great pleasure in hearing this pig squeal.
As he is molesting me with his mouth, I discreetly use my free hand to search for a weapon. I don’t have a plan, so I need to think on my feet. All I can feel is the tray which has nothing on it.
“You’re so sexy. No wonder Noah wants you. I can’t wait to tell him.” He runs his slippery hand over my body before sliding them under the hem of my hospital gown.
My legs are still strapped in, so he can’t gain access to where he wants with ease. He grunts in frustration. I’ve always been blessed in the chest, so I use it to my advantage and arch my back. It works like a charm as his attention diverts to my breasts.
He licks his lips like a salivating dog.
“Kiss me,” I whisper, batting my eyelashes. “If you’re going to fuck me, the least you can do is kiss me.”
Being crude is what this vile snake wants.
“Oh, baby, I’m going to kiss you all over.” He plants his mouth over mine, shoving his tongue in deep.
It takes all my willpower not to bite it off because I have another idea. Men like this only think with the head between their legs which is why I grip his brown hair and yank his head away. Before he has a chance to reply, I slam his temple into the tray table.
He’s utterly stunned, which is why I do it again and again until he goes limp. I don’t wait a second and unfasten the restraint around my wrist before unfastening the one around my legs and feet. Once free, I shove the asshole to the floor and jump out of bed.
I decide to try to find Bowie, and if I can’t, then make enough noise to alert the staff that I’m free. Opening the door, I look from left to right, and when I see the coast is clear, I tiptoe down the corridor. It’s so quiet which means the patients were given a double dose of their sleeping medication.
The staff are no doubt up to no good, and when I hear music down the hall, it confirms my suspicions. I look through the small windows of each room, hoping to see Bowie, but I don’t. What I do see saddens me beyond words.
Each patient is sedated to the point of nigh on being in a coma. This place doesn’t help anyone. Turning the corner, a soft whimper catches my attention. I need to keep walking, but when the cries become unintelligible words, curiosity gets the better of me.
I creep toward the voice which is female.
I still can’t make out what she’s mumbling, but it’s evident she’s in pain. The rooms along here are offices or therapy rooms, which is why my curiosity is piqued. The voice gets louder and now I can make out a few words.
“I’m going to make you better. It’s going to go back to how things were.”