Page 68 of Heart Sick

When she hisses, I assume she’s standing under the water, washing her injuries away. I don’t rush her, and after ten minutes, the water switches off. I offer her the white towel over my shoulder.

“Okay, you can look,” she says a few moments later.

Turning back around, I can’t hide my shock when I see what was done to her. She is swollen, bruised, and grated raw.

“That bad?” she half teases, tightening the towel around her frame.

I don’t reply but lift her out of the shower/tub combo and gently sit her on the edge of the sink. I grab the disinfectant from the bag on the counter and gently commence wiping away the scrapes on her face. She doesn’t flinch, but I know it stings.

The entire time, her eyes never stray from my face. It seems like she’s attempting to remember me. I hope that she does.

Her wrist and fingers are swollen, and when I ask she move them, she does, which means they’re not broken, but they’re definitely sprained or dislocated. I wrap them in bandages and hope it helps.

Clearing my throat, I know the real damage is under the towel. And so does Luna.

“Do you want—” I offer her the disinfectant, but she discreetly shifts the towel so I can see her ribs.

They are bruised badly, but I know the worst is yet to come.

She needs them bandaged, but I’m not sure how to do that without her dropping the towel.

“I—” But I don’t even know what to say.

Luna fills in the blanks, however, when she lowers the towel, exposing her beautiful breasts. Instantly, I turn my face.

“Can you help me?”

Of course I want to help her. That’s all I want to do. So, I turn back around and try to keep my eyes focused on her ribs and nothing else. She’s positioned the towel over her lap, covering herself discreetly. I unwrap the bandage and commence wrapping it around her torso.

“What happened to the men?” she asks, breaking the silence.

“They weren’t men,” I reply, trying to keep the anger from my tone. “But they’re alive, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

My fingers clench around the bandage as memories of how I found Luna flood me. I didn’t even think twice about it as I beat the ever-loving fuck out of those animals. The voice inside me screamed louder than it ever has, demanding bloodshed.

Once I had beaten them within an inch of their lives, I stole their car keys and carried Luna the three blocks until I found the car which matched the keychain in my hand.

“I should have taken you to the hospital,” I utter with regret.

She places her hand over mine, stopping me from bandaging her up. “You’re taking care of me now,” she says softly. “You saved me from those men. I owe you my life.”

“You don’t owe me anything.”

And I mean it, and that’s because in some ways, I feel like I owe her mine.

We both don’t say a word, but it isn’t uncomfortable. Luna looks at me closely and it feels as if she’s attempting to remember me. I wish that she would, but in some ways, I’m glad that she doesn’t because the memories that had her committed no longer plague her.

By the time I’m finished bandaging Luna up, she’s almost asleep sitting up. She is so beautiful. She may not remember, but the chemistry between us is just as strong. Without thought, I wrap a robe around her and tie the belt around her waist before lifting her into my arms and carrying her back into the bedroom.

“I can walk,” she sleepily says into my neck, her warm breath heating my skin.

“I know, but I may as well make myself useful,” I tease, laying her on the bed.

She settles against the pillow with a sigh. “You’re very useful,” she whispers and surprises me as she extends her arm. “Will you stay with me?”

I can’t refuse her. “Of course. I’ll just get cleaned up.”

She nods, her happiness warming his heart.