“HEL—” My cries for help are muted, however, when the orderly presses me against his chest and fixes his hand over my mouth.
I try to bite his fingers, but he only fastens his hold and drags me into a sterile white room. I try and fight, but he’s strong and lifts me off the ground with ease. He tosses me onto a silver gurney and when I try to launch off it, he punches me in the face.
The world spins for a few seconds as I attempt to gather my bearings, but when I feel my arms being restrained, I know it’s useless.
“You sick bastard!” I scream, kicking my legs as he secures my ankles with leather straps. “I’m going to kill you all!”
Spit dribbles down my chin because right now, I’m rabid. I thrash about as best I can, but being tied down prohibits me from moving. When I hear the sound of heels clicking against the floor, it seems my wish has been granted as this little stunt will ensure I’m not going anywhere tomorrow.
Dr. Norton enters, and she looks almost disappointed. “You just can’t seem to stay out of trouble, can you?” she says, shaking her head.
All I can smell is fucking lavender.
“Just how you can’t help taking your role as doctor a little too seriously,” I spit back, ensuring I make clear I know what she’s been up to.
She is taken aback that I’m privy to her secrets.
I watch as she walks toward a machine in the corner of the room and wheels it over. “You were out of here in the morning. Why?”
“She asked about the patient, Bowie,” the orderly reveals.
Dr. Norton sighs heavily. “If you want to help him, then stay away from him.”
“The same could be said about you.”
She snickers, her anger shining through. “Have it your way then, because after I’m done with you, you won’t remember a thing. Harrison.”
She nods at the orderly who shoves a rubber mouth guard into my mouth. I try to spit it out, but he holds the end of it as he pins me down. My heart beats frantically because, for the first time since arriving, fear has replaced my anger.
I scream around the guard, thrashing from side to side as Dr. Norton places two paddles against my temples. The sting of the metal is cool. I lift my chin to watch what she’s doing when I hear her turning on switches.
I shake my head, begging she doesn’t do whatever it is she intends to. But she simply smiles before I hear a buzz and feel my entire being get shocked into submission. I lose control of my body.
I can’t think.
I can’t breathe.
All that I can feel is unbearable pain.
The machine suddenly stops buzzing, and the pain subsides, but the echoes of the shock Dr. Norton just delivered whirl around in my brain. It’s like a rainbow of colors competing to win an imaginary race.
I can’t keep up.
And when I hear the machine fire up once again, I brace for death. But this is far worse when she pushes the button and an electrical current shoots through me so fiercely my body becomes numb before I begin to seize.
I don’t remember anything after that.
Idon’t remember anything. I barely remember my name. But there is one name I can’t forget…
My memories are vague and trying to remember them is like wading through mud. I don’t know what’s real and what my mind is attempting to cope with whatever the hell has happened over the course of hours. Days? Weeks?
I don’t even know what month it is.
I fight against this fucking fatigue and open my eyes. I have no idea where I am. It looks like an infirmary from the number of beds in the large room. But I’m the only person in here.
No surprise, I’m restrained to the bed.