Page 104 of Heart Sick

I’m helpless because I’m not going anywhere without assistance. I could try and scream for help, but I think the person who brought me here intended to keep me here.

“Do you know who keeps us here?”


“It’s like I’m talking to the dead,” I mumble to myself.

I need to think of a plan quickly because I need to find Luna and beg for forgiveness and then I need to tell her the truth—that she isn’t a murderer. That Jack is in fact Misha, and that Misha is her son. I didn’t connect the dots because I expected Luna’s son to be younger, which is my bad for assuming.

Now we’re both caught up in this fucked-up mess because I was an idiot.

This entire time, I questioned both our sanities because how we met and what happened is fucking insane, but what’s even crazier is the fact I can hear a dead man whose mother I am madly in love with.

And I am. I love Luna so fucking much and that’s withmyheart, not his. I need to find her.

“Hello?” I ask in case my roommate has decided to join the land of the living.

They haven’t.

I can’t go anywhere which means I need to rely on the person or persons who hold me here. And on cue, I hear the sharp echo of heels on linoleum. A haunting whistling soon follows.

This is how every horror movie starts.

My eyes never leave the doorway which has no door on it as I expect the antichrist to enter. But when I see who it is, I exhale in relief.

“Alanna, oh thank fuck, it’s you.”

But she continues to whistle, ignoring me.

The hair at the back of my neck stands on end because something is very wrong.

Alanna doesn’t even acknowledge me but instead walks over to the bed of my roommate. “How are you feeling today?”

They give her the silent treatment too. But that doesn’t deter her in the slightest. She reaches for the stethoscope around her neck and checks the vitals.


“You’re doing better,” she says to her patient. “Soon, you’ll be back to your old self. I’ve stuck to my diet. I’ve not eaten a thing I shouldn’t.”

What the fuck is going on?

She recommences whistling and begins slowly unwrapping the bandages from their face. She’s blocking my view, so I can’t see, but I sure as shit can smell and what I smell is the unmistakable stench of decay and death which no lavender can mask.

I gag on the putrid smell, but Alanna isn’t bothered. She really takes her job seriously.

“Ah, Doc, can we open a window in here? It fucking stinks. No offense.”

“Soon, we’ll be together, Jonathan. I’ve done all of this for you.”

Suddenly, the walls close in on me and my heart squeezes because finally, it’s mine.

“Stay away from me! I don’t know who you are! Your name is Jonathan?”

That’s what Luna said to me. She thought my name was Jonathan. There’s no coincidence that Alanna just called this dude that name.

“Who thefuckare you?” I snarl, demanding answers and demanding them now.

Once Alanna is done unwrapping her gift, she stands back and covers her mouth. “You’re just as handsome as the day we met. Do you remember? You were playing at a recital. It was my favorite—La Campanella.”