Page 97 of Forever Violet

“I discovered a couple of days ago that I have a connection with plants,” I start. “Flowers and leaves are, like, drawn to me. Jules didn’t know why, so he stole that book from Ava to see if we could find out any information.”

“And, did you?”

“There was a page that Jules burned that mentioned a nature energy wolf …” I trail off as he curses. “Have you heard of them before?”

He rakes his blond hair out of his face as he confirms with a nod. “And if you are one, you should never mention it again.”

“I wasn’t planning to. Why do you seem so worried?”

His jaw muscles pulsate. “Because nature energy creatures could be the cure to the vines that pollute this land and the outskirts of the city, and any creature who has been poisoned by the vines and is still alive. But only by sacrificing their own life. And since the creatures are a rarity—I’ve never met one before, and I’ve been around for a long damn time—if the wrong creature found out about you …”

“They’d sacrifice me,” I finish. “That’s what Jules and I already sort of guessed, too.” Except the part about how the sacrifice could save the creatures poisoned by the vines. What would Jules do if he knew that? That I could possibly save his mom?

He marginally unstiffens. “Good. I’m glad he’s on top of things.”

“Hey, so am I. I even helped get the book.”

“I know you are. And I’m not surprised.”

“That I’m helpful?”

“That, and you’re settling into this life so swiftly.” Space diminishes between us as he drapes an arm around my shoulders. “Isn’t it amazing how, after a decade in the Common Realm, you felt so out of place? Yet, a handful of days here, and you’re already running around with your long-lost love, stealing books from bound witches?”

“It is strange how easily I fit in.” I rest my cheek against his shoulder. “I’m still nervous about a lot of things to come. Like, rememberingeverythingabout my past. And I can’t even get my head wrapped around this whole princess thing and the concept that I could become queen one day.”

“Give it some time. I’m sure you’ll get there.”

“I’m sure I will, too.” But I can’t help thinking about the faceless cubs in that moment. And Jules’ mom. And how I may possess the power to save other creatures from the same demise.


After Jules returns, him, Legend, Rune, and I gather our bags then head out to meet Liberty and Kylan at the perimeter of the field where the whispering dream daisies flourish. There, I’ll hop into the silver-trimmed sleigh with Legend and glide away to sleepy land again.

A handful of Jules’ most trusted guards are journeying with us and will be living at the house in the city. Shade is staying in the kingdom to continue his job with Slate. And by job, I mean torturing him until he splinters into fragments and the truth leaks out of the wounded cracks.

As we set out onto the path, hiking up the hilly roads near where the faceless shadow cubs hide, mine and Legend’s conversation plays on repeat in my mind. How I can save the shadow cursed wolves, heal the poison that stole their faces away, and how Jules’ mom would no longer be on bedrest. She could be free.

“A flower for your thoughts.” Jules plucks a lavender rose from a nearby bush and offers it to me.

My lips strain to smile as he tucks the rose behind my ear. The thorny stem encases my earlobe, conforming with my skin.

“I was just thinking about my little gift,” I admit. “And what exactly it could do.”

Jules evaluates the spacious fields and small homes around us, then slips an arm around my back. “I was thinking that we could start testing it while we’re in your dreams.” His breath tickles my ear. “See if we can find out all the things you can do without risking the wrong creature seeing us. I can also try to get my hands on some ancient books that might contain some more information.”

What happens when he discovers what Legend knows? Jules may care for me, but if losing me means saving other wolves in our pack, would he make that sacrifice? I wish I knew. Truthfully, even though I’m remembering Jules, there’s a ways to go before I can comprehend how his brain works.

“What’s troubling you, Lake?” Jules whispers. “I can tell it’s something.”

“It’s nothing. I just …” What was once a house rises in the distance over the hills. Now it’s only a pile of burnt rubble. I feel a tug on my brain, memories fighting to surface. “What is that place?”

Rigidness ravels in his muscles. “That was your parents’ house.”

“Who burnt it down?” I whisper.

An exhale eases from his lips as he holds me. “The werewolves who attacked them.”

“I can almost remember … but I can’t.” Rushed breaths flee from my lips as images fester, stirring, scorching, blinding me with harsh fragments that rip at my brain. But I can’t make sense of the chaos, can’t interpret what my mind wants me to see, to feel, toremember.