Page 86 of Forever Violet

“But if the room’s all silver, shouldn’t he be dead?”

“He’s suspended by a chain from the roof, so he’s not actually touching the silver. Although, being in a confined room with that much silver is weakening him.”

“Is he …?” I wipe my damp palms on the front of my legs, suddenly aware of how nervous I am. “Has he said anything about why he was in the Common Realm and why he attacked me?”

He ruffles his hair into place, his gaze shifting to the floor. “He snuck into the Common Realm a couple of times; that’s why he was there.”

“Why would he do that?” I ask, and he shrugs. “Are you sure you don’t know? Because you seem awfully fidgety.”

“I don’t want to lie to you,” he mumbles. “But I also don’t want to frighten you.”

“Not knowing the truth frightens me more than being in the dark.” And suddenly, I have my answer for whether or not I want my memories back.

Painful or not, scary or not, I don’t want the emptiness to haunt me every time I try to look back at the past.

He tears his gaze off the floor and swallows hard. “He was in the Common Realm looking for you because a wolf sent him there to find you.”


Iremain mostly silent as we leave the shed. The pixie is now gone, and Shade looks well past the breaking point of frustration. He gripes the entire way home about the nuisances that come with sleeping with a pixie. I nod every once in a while, but I barely listen, lost in my own thoughts.

After Jules dropped the bomb that Slate was sent after me, he told me that they haven’t gotten him to confess who sent him yet. I get the feeling, though, that Slate was supposed to kill me that day, not rape me. I’m sure death would’ve come afterward, but then Legend showed up.

“You’ve been awfully quiet,” Jules murmurs as we make our way up the stairs to his bedroom.

“I’m fine,” I lie. “I’m just tired and really sore. Today’s been an exhausting day.”

“I’m sure it has.” He pauses in front of his door, and I dither, unsure whether to go to the room I first slept in or his. All my clothes are in his room, but that doesn’t mean I need to take over his space. “Are you okay after what I told you in the shed?”

I scuff the tip of my boot against the floor. “I already sort of knew Slate would’ve killed me if Legend hadn’t shown up. None of that was news to me.”

“But you didn’t know someone had sent him?”

“No, I didn’t.”

A pause.

“Nothing is going to happen to you,” he swears to me passionately, cupping my face between his hands. “We’ll get the truth out of Slate. Then we’ll track down the wolf who sent him after you.”

“Maybe I’ll know who it is if I can remember. There has to be a connection between me ending up in the Common Realm and whoever sent Slate after me, right?”

“I’ve thought about that, too.” He skims his thumb underneath my eyes. “But Lake, I don’t want you doing anything dangerous to bring your memories back.”

“Why would it be dangerous?”

“I’m not saying it will be. But Ava might try to suggest some ways that aren’t necessarily safe.”

I rub my neck, my muscles groaning in protest. “I thought you said we could trust her.”

“We can, but witches are witches, and sometimes they think magic is the only answer, even if that magic is dangerous. So, we need to keep our guard up and not make any irrational decisions until we get all the information.”

“Got it.” I nod, glad for the distraction from my thoughts of Slate and who sent him after me. “How do I know when to distract her while we’re at her house, so you can look for her books? Because I’m pretty sure that flower thing in my dream also happened with some leaves while I was walking in the forest with Rune. It was like they were reaching for me.”

His brows bunch as he removes his hands from my face and unbuckles his waist holster. “That’s strange.”

“Not really. The same thing happened in my dream.”

“It’s not that.” The crease between his brows becomes more prominent. “It’s just that some of the guards stationed near the vines mentioned there was a growth reduction in the vines today.”