Page 80 of Forever Violet

“I’m not afraid of you.” The truth easily falls from my tongue. I step toward him and place my hands on his shoulders. “And while I won’t dance for you now, I will dance with you … if you want to.”

He peers up at me. “Yeah?”

I nod, strangely nervous. “Yeah.”

Smiling, he narrows the gap between our bodies and begins to sway us to the lull of the breeze while singing a faintly recognizable tune. His voice is wonderfully magical and spills over me like warm silk.

We stay that way, dancing, me listening to him sing, until the sun rises over the hills, declaring it’s time to wake up. For the first time in a long time, I almost don’t want to. I almost want to remain in dreamland forever.


When I wake up, I’m curled up against Jules with my head resting on his bare, tattooed chest. The position throws me off. Never once when I slept in the same bed with Legend did I cuddle up with him. I was never that comfortable. And I’ve never slept with a shirtless guy before. Or werewolf.

Even more alarming is that I woke up on my own and don’t feel cranky. Probably because I had the best sleep of my life. And no, that isn’t an exaggeration.

I angle my head and glimpse the shaded tattoos that ink his sculpted chest and torso. Dark lines form poetic words, shapes, and angles that create fierce images and tell a story.

My gaze travels all the way to the top of his pajama bottoms—yes, he’s wearing pants, to my wolf’s displeasure. Peeking out from the waistband near his hipbone is a star-shaped mark, the Violet Mountain pack’s mark. And alongside it is a cursiveE.I have the oddest compulsion to peek under the waistband to see if the letter leads to my real name, but that thought makes me feel extremely perverted, so I resist the temptation.

Instead of waiting around for him to wake up, I get up and head for the bathroom to wash off last night’s events. The room has been tidied up; the blood scrubbed from the floors. I wonder if Jules has a maid and how in the realms they managed to clean up the room without waking us.

After I finish showering, I towel dry off then search the bathroom for my backpack, but I can’t find it anywhere. I crack the door open, and my confusion doubles. My backpack is on a chair in front of the fireplace and my clothes are stacked and folded on top of a trunk.

Since Jules appears to still be sleeping, I wrap the towel around my body and tiptoe across the room.

“Is that what you’re wearing to training?”

I screech like a wild banshee, the towel nearly falling off as I whirl around.

Jules is sitting up in bed, leaning against the headboard with his legs stretched out, a grin teasing his lips.

“I thought you were sleeping.” I tighten the towel around me, trying to calm the hell down, but the more his gaze drinks me in, the more my pulse sprints.

“That doesn’t explain why you’re creeping around in my room in a towel?” His brow quirks. So do the corners of his lips. “Not that I’m complaining.”

As I scowl at him, his smile breaks through.

“My clothes were in the bathroom last night, but I didn’t notice until after I showered that they weren’t in there anymore,” I explain as my skin warms. “I’m not sure how, but they ended up out here.”

He stands up and rounds the foot of the bed. “That was probably Lalana.”

“Who’s Lalana?”

“The werewolf who takes care of my place.”

“Is she also the one who left me the food last night?” I ask, and he nods, playing with the edge of the towel and causing tingles to spill across my skin. “But how did she know to bring the food? All you did was snap your fingers.”

“We have a magical connection.”

“Oh.” Why does it suddenly feel like my heart is bottoming to my stomach?

“It’s not like that.” He reads right through me. “It’s a spell I had put on us so I don’t always have to find her when I need her. My guards have the same magical connection, as well.”

“Oh.” Thatohsounds a lot more cheerful than my last one.

He totally notices, too, grinning. “Don’t worry; you’re my only alterum dimidium animae.”

“I’m not worried.”Liar. “I just …”You just what?