Page 71 of Forever Violet

“Sex.” Yep, and now my cheeks are on fire.

“You want to know if I have a friend I fuck sometimes?” Hilarity rings in his tone. “Out of all the questions to ask me.”

I roll my eyes at myself. “See, this is why Legend finds me so amusing. I always say the wrong thing. I seriously suck at socializing.”

“You’re not that terrible. And even if you were, so am I.”

“You don’t seem like it. You just seem quiet.”

“Yeah, says one socially awkward werewolf to another.”

I snort with laughter. “You’re funny.”

He laughs with me. “No, I’m usually not. You, apparently, just bring it out of me. We should hang out some time. Maybe if we did, I’d smile more and could get me one of those friends with benefits you were talking about.” He winks.

I start to ask him why he doesn’t smile often when the power dies.

As the lights click off, he springs to his feet and unsheathes his sword.

“What’s going on?” I sit up, peering around the darkened room in a panic.

“Lake, do exactly what I say, okay?” His heavy boots scuff against the floorboards as he crosses the room with his sword positioned in front of him. “Go into the closet and push on the back wall. There’s a trap door there that will take you to a safe room. When you get inside, lock the door and do not come out under any circumstances, okay?”

I noiselessly climb off the bed. “Why? What’s going on?”

“Someone’s in the house.” He presses his ear against the door and sniffs.

I search for some sort of weapon and end up grabbing a fire poker. “Is it …?” I realize I don’t even know my attacker’s name. Only his face and stench.

Moonlight casts across Rune’s face, revealing his worry. “I don’t know, but you need to hide, okay?”

“What about you?”

“I’ll be fine, just as long as you are.”

Hiding seems cowardly, but when he nudges me toward the closet, my feet move automatically. Once I’m locked inside the small, secret room behind the closet wall, I crouch down in the shadows, hold my breath, and listen.

The house is silent. Eerily silent. I hate the silence. It gives me too much time to think. Think about what will happen if it is my attacker. If he finds me. If he hurts Rune. And what if Legend returns? He’s a powerful fighter, but what if he’s caught off guard?

Shallow breaths rack from my chest as a thunderous crash shatters the silence.

“Where is she?”

Growls erupt, and the house vibrates.

“I know she’s in this house, Rune, so just hand her over and you can walk away from this unscathed.”

“Who says I’m not going to walk away from this unscathed, anyway?” Rune replies calmly. “I think you’re the one who isn’t going to walk away from this, Slate.”




The name pounds through my skull.

My attacker’s name. The one who ripped my clothes off and hurt me in ways I never knew were possible.