Page 59 of Forever Violet

“All right, drunk dancing time!” she cheers then spins around and loops her arm around the back of Kylan’s neck. “You have to dance with Lake, too. She doesn’t have a partner, and I don’t think it’d be a good idea for her to find one in here.”

“Definitely not.” Kylan offers me his hand.

I tentatively place my palm in his and breathe in relief when fear doesn’t lash through me. Whether it’s the faerie wine or the fact that Kylan seems nice, who knows, but I seize the moment and start spinning around and shimmying my hips.

“You know how to dance?” Liberty asks as the three of us sway to the rhythm of the song playing.

I nod, throwing my head back and stretching my arms above my head. “Yeah. I actually danced in the Common Realm a lot with Legend.”

“Your vampire friend?” Liberty asks, and I nod. “He’s pretty hot, right? I think I’ve met him a couple of times.”

I shrug. “I don’t know. He’s …” I shrug again. “Legend.”

She sways her hips while holding Kylan’s waist. He seems tense as fuck dancing with her.

“What does that even mean?” she asks me.

I brace my hand on Kylan’s rigid shoulder as the room spins faster around me. “It means, he’s my best friend, and yeah, he’s attractive, but I’m not attracted to him.”

“That’s good to know.” The deep voice that comes from right behind me makes my heart flutter.


Kylan shuffles away from me, making me question if he knows about the alterum dimidium animae.

Liberty curses. “Aw, shit.”

I turn around. “Hey,” I say stupidly, and then add to the stupidity by waving.

His gaze cuts to Liberty. “I said no going to bars.”

“Yeah, well, we needed a drink.” She stomps up beside me and puts her hands on her hips. “And to have a girl chat.”

Jules crosses his arms, the muscle in his jaw ticking. “You could’ve done both those things at my house.”

“You’re right.” She points a finger at him. “But we couldn’t have any lovely winged drink at your place, could we now?”

Fury flames in Jules’ eyes. “You gave her some of that?”

Liberty nonchalantly shrugs. “Yeah. So what? She liked it. Although, she drank way more than I recommended.”

Jules shakes his head. “You shouldn’t have let her drink it. She’s not used to our magic and our drinks.”

“Hey, I’m fine,” I say. At least, I think I say it. My words are starting to slur together.

His anger diminishes as his gaze slides to me. “Don’t say that yet. The drink becomes more potent by the hour.”

I glance at my bare wrist, pretending I have a watch. “I’m pretty sure it’s been an hour already.”

He sighs, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “I think you have no clue what time it is, what day it is, or where you are.”

“That’s not true at all,” I assure him with fake confidence. “It’s noon o’clock, on a weekend day, and I’m at a bar with my soulmate. Well, not my soulmate, but I’m his …” I cover my mouth as my words register through the haze in my brain.

“And that’s my cue to leave.” Liberty makes a beeline for a set of double doors at the back of the bar with Kylan trailing at her heels.

“Liberty.” Jules starts to turn to chase after her, but stops. “Fuck,” he whispers with his head lowered. “This isn’t how you were supposed to find out.”

Acting on pure instinct, I move in front of him, cup his face between my hands, and force him to look up at me. “This isn’t a bad way for me to find out,” I attempt to reassure him. “I feel perfectly fine.”