Page 52 of Forever Violet

“Hey, do you remember that one time she actually tried to hit us with tree branches,” Shade muses from beside us. “She could be so sweet sometimes, but other times, watch out.”

My head darts in his direction. “You knew me, too?”

“Yep. And sometimes, it had its downfalls.” He rolls up his sleeves, showing me a gnarly scar on the bottom of his arm.

“I didn’t do that,” I deny. “There’s no way.”

“Oh, there’s totally a way.” He tugs his sleeve back down. “You were a mean, little wolf cub.”

Feeling awful, I look back at Jules. “Was I really mean?”

“You weren’t mean.” Jules sketches his finger along the brim of my nose. “You were feisty and passionate, and you wanted to be the best fighter there was, so you played dirty. But only in training. Outside of training, you were the sweetest wolf cub in the entire pack.” His gaze glides to Shade. “And he knows that. He’s just teasing you because that’s what Shade does.”

I give Shade a dirty look, but then smile at him sweetly. “I’m sorry if I gave you a boo-boo. It must have been awful getting your butt kicked by a female wolf cub.”

Shade dismisses me with a wave. “Like I care if I get my ass kicked by a female werewolf. Seriously, some of them are way tougher than any male werewolf I’ve fought.”

“Was I one of them?”

Shade nods. “When you were younger, yes.”

“But not now.” It’s not a question. Just a depressing statement.

“Not until some training.” Jules is the one to answer. “You have royal blood, so you have more power in you than most average werewolves and paranormals. You just need to relearn how to channel that strength.”

“So, you’re going to teach me how to fight?” I cross my fingers he’ll easily say yes, that I won’t have to tell him about the attack yet. I know Legend said I should, but I’m not ready. Don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for that.

He effortlessly nods. “Of course. It’s part of our pack’s rules that everyone learns to fight. And I want you to be able to protect yourself.” He dithers, bobbing his head. “Although, Shade and Rune will probably have to do most of the training.”

I toss a glance at Shade, who shrugs, then look back at Jules. “Why?”

His fingers magnetize toward mine again. “Because I’d go way too easy on you.”

“Oh.” I let the last few hours of information sink in, wondering how much more I can take. “Did I used to know Rune, too?”

Strands of Jules’ dark hair fall into his eyes as he nods. “When you weren’t with your parents, you spent most of your time with me, Shade, Rune, and Liberty.”

“Who’s Liberty?”

“I am.” A female werewolf a few years older than me with hair as black as the night sky and eyes as blue as Jules’ strides up the trail toward us. She reminds me of a warrior goddess in her leather pants, black tank top, and rows of leather holsters winding around her legs and arms. “And you must be the best friend I lost and who apparently can’t remember anything, at least from what I’ve been told.” She stops in front of me with her head tipped to the side. “Elora?”

“Lake,” I correct automatically.

“So, that’s what we’re supposed to call you now?” She ponders the idea thoughtfully. “Okay, it’s doable, I guess.”

“Glad I have your approval,” I quip, resisting an eye roll.

She grins. “Glad to know you still remember you need my approval.”

Now I do melodramatically roll my eyes. “Glad to know you have such a high opinion of your approval. Makes me want to change my name to Jane.”

She flicks her wrist dismissively. “I disapprove. Jane’s too boring of a name.”

I tap my finger against my lips. “Yeah, I’m definitely going to go with Jane.”

The conversation is so smooth, so natural, as if we’ve done this before.

She slaps Shade in the gut. “She’s exactly the same!” she exclaims as Shade lets out a grunt, hunching over.