Page 20 of Forever Violet

I take off toward the stairway, ignoring Legend, Jules, Shade, and Rune’s shouting protests. Not once during my flee do I think about how I’m in the Midnight Realm and have no clue how to get back to the portal. That I shouldn’t even want to get back to the portal. That if I return to the Common Realm, I may have to deal with other werewolves who will hurt me. That I might not even be able to get through the portal since I don’t have my traveling pass. And the pass might not even work since, apparently, I’m a paranormal.

No, none of those important details cross my mind until I’m out of the club and wandering around lost in the streets of the Midnight Realm.

Unlike when Legend and I first arrived at the realm, the air is now buzzing with energy as the night creatures emerge from wherever they sleep, the sidewalks and streets packed. I try to keep my head down as I squeeze through the mob, hoping to God no one thinks I’m human.

Then I bump into a large figure wearing a flowing cloak and nearly fall flat on my face.

Yep, definitely a human thing to do.

What happened to that awesome super speed?

While I manage not to eat a mouthful of cobblestone, I do snag the creature’s attention.

It stares down at me, its eyes gleaming under the hood.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d guess it was the Grim Reaper. But I’m fairly sure it resides in the Soul Realm. Then again, if fey can visit the Midnight Realm, then I’m betting so can the Grim Reaper.

I spin on my heels, ready to bolt from a creature who collects souls from the dead, when it seizes the hem of my shirt and jerks me back.

“What’s the rush, love,” it—no, definitely a he—whispers in my ear.

This is so not how I imagined the Grim Reaper to sound, but whatever.

“Leave me alone,” I growl, throwing my weight forward. “And stay the hell away from my soul.”

“Your soul?” He tows me back against him, turns me around, and fixes his yellow eyes on me. “What the hell are you talking about, little wolf?”

Wait? He can sense I’m a wolf. How?

“That’s what Grim Reapers do—they steal souls.” Without thinking, I shove him away from me.

His eyes spark, and then laughter howls from underneath his hood. “You think I’m the Grim Reaper? Man, and I thought I’d heard everything by now.”

Warmth rushes to my cheeks. “What else am I supposed to think? You’re wearing his cloak.”

He gestures around us. “Take a look around you. Half the creatures in the streets are wearing cloaks tonight.”

My face flames with heat as I realize at least a dozen creatures near me are rocking the Grim Reaper style. “Well, how the heck was I supposed to know that?” Not my best defense ever, but my mind’s still clouded from everything that happened in the club.

“Other than the fact you have eyes?” he teases. “And because it’s Midnight Fall Fest?”

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that.” I pretend to have a clue, but I don’t.

He reads right through my bullshit. “You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?”

“I’ve lived a very sheltered life,” I lie with a shrug.

“Have you now?” He rubs where his jawline probably is, although the hood is casting a shadow over his face so I can’t tell for sure. “Tell me, little wolf, what pack are you from?”

I rack my mind for what pack Legend said Jules is part of. “Umm … The Violet … Hills—Mountain pack.”

“The Violet Hills Mountain pack?” he questions.

“No, just the Violet Mountain pack.”Please say I got it right.

“Aw, you’re part of Jules’ pack.”

I wonder if that’s a good thing.