I hear her tapping away at her computer, probably trying to verify all this information for herself. I wait patiently. Apparently, her next client will simply have to wait.

“How in the name of all that’s holy did he manage that?” she says aghast. “This is preposterous.”

Heck, I almost feel sorry for Mom having to eat all that crow.

“And now he’s bought out your company?” she says.


“Why is he doing this? Is he looking to resume things with you? Did he explain why he left without a word?”

The sinking feeling returns to my stomach. “No, he hasn’t given me any explanation. He simply waltzed in and told me that he’s my new boss and that I’m to meet with him twice a week to revamp the business model.”

I can feel my mother’s keen psychiatrist’s mind at work. “And his disposition toward you… Flirtatious? Looking to be the knight in shining armor?”

Again, my stomach twinges. “Actually, he’s being an arrogant asshole about the whole thing.”


“Yeah, like he’s here to lord it over me. Show me what a success he is and what an abject failure I am. It’s really…weird.”

“I see.”

My mouth drops open. “‘I see’? That’s all you have to say? After all the lectures and condemnation of Rhence, this is all you have to say on the topic?”

“Well, dear, I’m genuinely at a loss,” she replies. “Until I hear more information, I’ll have to reserve judgment.”

“Well, that’s a first,” I quip. “I would’ve appreciated a little more of that attitude when I was dating Rhence.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Rachel,” she exclaims. “No one could’ve predicted this outcome. No mother in their right mind would’ve wanted their precious daughter dating that boy. I stand firmly behind my decisions regarding this matter.”

“Can you at least admit that you were wrong about Rhence?”

A sound of exasperation escapes her. “Fine, Rachel. I was wrong. Your grungy little boyfriend beat all the odds and turned into a huge success. Forgive me for getting it wrong.” I hear Jenna’s voice in the background speaking with a sense of urgency. “Look, my next client is here. I have to go.”

“Hey, Mom, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get into an argument.”

She sighs. “I know, I know. But I really do have to go. We’ll talk more later.”

“All right. Love you, Mom.”

“Love you too, kitty.” We both hang up.

Holy hell. I’ll have to mark this day down on my calendar. The day Dr. Helen Bradly admitted she was wrong about something. After all the heated arguments we had over Rhence, this has to be a really tough pill for her to swallow. I get that it was a one-in-a-million shot that things would turn out this way for Rhence. Even though I saw potential in him, I never dreamed he’d be this big of a success. I would’ve gladly settled for him landing a corporate job somewhere after graduating from college.

Still, the question remains… Why, when we were at the height of our relationship, did he suddenly leave? It was as if Rhence had dropped off the face of the earth. I begged his mother to tell me where he’d gone, even offered her money to let me know if he was all right. But she insisted that she hadn’t a clue and was equally concerned about him. She even blamed me for his abrupt departure.

And then there’s my mother. I rarely see her gleeful, but that’s a fairly accurate description of her attitude when she discovered Rhence had vanished from my life. To be fair, her introduction to our relationship was hardly ideal.

I’ll never forget the day my parents returned home early from their trip to Maui to find Rhence and me lying naked in my bed, entwined in each other’s bodies. It was all I could do to keep my mother from calling the police to have Rhence charged with statutory rape since he’d just turned eighteen a month earlier while I was still seventeen. It was Dad who’d finally made her see reason after he’d tossed Rhence out on his ass.

Those two weeks prior to their return had been absolute bliss. It was spring break of our senior year, so Rhence and I had nothing better to do than to spend every waking moment exploring the wonders of each other. We’d already given each other our virginity over winter break while my parents were in Colorado on a ski trip. At that time, we were so new to it that it had been equal parts pain and pleasure. But we kept at it, and by spring break… Let’s just say we’d figured it out.

I still remember the soft touch of his lips on mine, the feel of our tongues entwined in a sensual dance, his earthy, spicy scent, and the feel of his hands eagerly roaming my body. I recall him walking me backward till I felt the wall behind me. Felt him press his body flush against mine, felt his hard erection grind against me. I’d lifted my arms to allow him to slide my t-shirt up and over my head. His head sank between my breasts, where he kissed hungrily. Within seconds my red satin bra joined my shirt on the floor.

Our urgency heightened, he dropped to his knees and traced warm kisses down my flat belly. I ran my fingers through his long, dark-brown hair as he unfastened my jeans, all the while kissing every inch of my heated flesh. He slipped my jeans off my hips, and I stepped out of them as he stroked my toned thighs. Just when I thought he was going to remove my panties, he pulled the fabric aside, and I felt his warm tongue slide between the lips of my vagina, where he began slowly licking and sucking on my throbbing clitoris. It was mind-blowingly hot, and I thought I’d climax right there on the spot. Instead, I gripped handfuls of his hair and moaned appreciatively at his endeavors.

On his knees, Rhence devoured me like a starving man consuming his favorite meal. The mere sight of it turned me the fuck on. The pleasure steadily mounted with each stroke of his tongue, and I was going out of my freaking mind, torn between the desperate need to climax and the desire for it never to end. Seconds later, he swallowed my orgasm as I screamed in sheer ecstasy.