Driven by the demand of her shouts, Gabe let loose the animal that had been caged within him.
He pumped his hips into her with a passion that had come undone. His thrusts were no longer controlled, his motions harsher and jerkier the tighter she got, the closer his body climbed to its release. He took in the sight of Hope’s bowed head as she watched him pumping into her from between her legs. She had a white-knuckled grip on the counter as her own sounds and breathing became more and more erratic. Her breasts bounced erotically with each thrust. Reaching around her waist, he slid his fingers along the sensitive folds between her legs.
She lifted her head on a gasp, catching and holding his gaze in the mirror.
Seconds later, they hit the peak together. Hope let out a cry as she pushed her hips hard against his pelvis. He threw his head back, bellowing her name as she contracted forcefully around him, drawing his release up and into her body.
It was the most intense sexual experience he’d ever had, and as he slowly came back to earth, he draped his body over hers, wrapping his palms around the hands that were still clasped on the marble counter. He was breathing like he’d just run a bloody marathon.
Beneath him, Hope was gasping, murmuring words he couldn’t quite understand. The blood in his ears still roared with his climax. Slowly, he withdrew from her, and she moaned in protest. When he turned her and scooped her up, she wrapped her arms around his neck and burrowed her face in the crook of his shoulder.
With their slowing breathing the only sound between them, he carried her to the bed, lifting the blankets and tucking her in. Then he crawled in behind her, the cool sheets feeling good against his heated and damp skin. Immediately, Hope curled herself against him.
“I love you,” she whispered, and he ran his palm down the soft skin of her torso, settling low on her stomach, taking in her words, letting them settle in his heart along with the dreams he had for the two of them from that day forward.
Aweek later, Hope stood in front of the house Gabe had bought, staring in disbelief. With its well-manicured lawn and charming French shuttered windows, the English-style cottage was far more beautiful than he’d originally described. She could see the balcony peeking out from the back, and knew that if she were standing on it, she’d see the city of Portland from all its best angles.
Gabe came up beside her and draped his arm around her shoulders. “What do you think?” he asked, bending to press a kiss to her temple.
The last week had been one of the best of her life. Since their return from California, they’d spent a lot of their spare time together with Ruby. When they were alone, they made love and talked. True, she did more of the talking, but she was coming to appreciate all Gabe could say in his silence.
Over the last few months, she’d gotten to know him well, but in the week that had passed, with everything finally out in the open between them, their feelings made clear and viable, a deeper connection had grown between them. He was letting her in fully, and in return, she was doing the same.
Every moment with him, every conversation, every time they made love, revealed more of who he was, confirming all the reasons she loved him, and adding even more.
Of course, she’d had the awkward conversation with the art gallery owner in Detroit. She’d been nervous when she’d called to retract her acceptance of the position because she couldn’t make the move to Detroit after all. But the call had been surprisingly easier than she’d thought, and the gallery owner had been understanding. He’d still expressed interest in showing her artwork, and she’d agreed to meet with him in the coming month to discuss that arrangement further. But for now, she was content to soak up every moment she could with Gabe and Ruby.
Turning to him, she stared up into his handsomely rugged face. “It’s absolutely beautiful.” She elbowed him lightly in the ribs. “As if you don’t know that it’s the perfect house.”
A smile tugged his lips, his eyes lighting and crinkling in the way she loved so much because it told her he was perfectly content in this moment as well.
“There are floor to ceiling windows in the living room. The natural light will be ideal for your painting.”
A surge of love filled Hope when she realized he’d considered what might be best for her painting when he’d bought the house.
“Do you want to go in and take a look?” he asked.
“Of course,” she replied, and one of his strong, warm, hands enveloped hers and tugged her forward.
He opened the door to reveal a lovely hallway with hardwood floors that led to a bright living room beyond.
Behind them, Ruby ran in, squealing in delight. “Daddy, are we picking bedrooms!?”
Gabe grinned at her mischievously. “Yes, in a minute. First, let’s show Hope the living room and the gift we got for her.” He winked, and Ruby grinned as well, revealing her double-tooth gap from the teeth she’d lost.
“Ooooh, right!” Ruby grabbed her other hand and together they pulled her into the living room that was, indeed, full of perfect natural light.
She couldn’t help her gasp of delight. “Oh, Gabe,” she breathed, crossing the room to stand in front of the windows. The view of the garden below and the city beyond stole her breath.
Ruby crossed to a table and picked up a long ceramic tray. Balancing it carefully, she brought it over to Hope. “This is for you, Hope,” she said, her normally boisterous voice suddenly hushed and unsure. Her gaze darted to her father, who’d come up beside her.
Tears immediately filled Hope’s eyes as Ruby presented her with a small herb planter, similar to the one she’d tried and failed to bring into Gabe’s apartment a few weeks ago.
And there, nestled between the basil and the oregano, was a tiny velvet box. The tears that had filled her eyes to the brim, spilled over.
Her hand flew to her mouth. “What’s this?” she whispered against her fingers, her heart hammering against her rib cage.