Page 55 of Muskoka Blue

At last.He was so glad he hadn’t listened to that little voice in his head that always whispered his worthlessness. Sarah was going out with him! She must’ve finally decided to put her past behind her, and this was a sign from heaven that it was okay to proceed.

He fought to tamp down the excitement as he cleaned up around the house. It was just a date. He wadded Jason’s forgotten newspaper and lobbed it into the basket next to the fireplace. Grinned. Playing it cool? Nope, couldn’t do it. What was wrong with being excited, anyway? This was his first real date in forever. And it would be great to go out with Sarah before his parents and younger brother arrived tomorrow. He needed to focus now to get things ready. He wasn’t planning an early night tonight.

When the house was respectable enough, he had a quick shower, then got in his Jeep and drove next door. He knocked and was taken aback by the swift opening of the front door.

“Hi, John.”

“Daniel. How are you?”

“Fine, thanks. You?” This definitely wasn’t the easygoing man he was used to greeting. Then again, this definitely wasn’t the usual thing for him. He couldn’t even remember the name of the last girl he went out with. How long ago?

“Have a seat.” John motioned to the lounge. “I’ll cut right to the chase. When your friend Rob took Sarah out, Angela and I weren’t too concerned. Anyone can see he doesn’t think much beyond today. But you’re a different matter.” John leaned forward. “Sarah regards you as a friend, a good friend. No one has been able to get her to open up the way you have.” John sighed. “She relies on you, Dan, so I don’t want you messing this up. You’d better be thinking about the consequences beyond today. You got me?”

“I’ve been thinking about this for a while now.”

“Good. As long as we both understand each other.”

“I understand, sir. Loud and clear.”

John’s shoulders sagged. “Glad that’s done. Ange wasn’t too sure about this today.”

“I’ll be careful.”

Ange entered the room followed by Sarah. “Careful about what?”

He ignored Sarah’s question as he stared. “Wow, Sar, you look amazing.”

She wore a green, hippie-style dress with bronze beads around the neckline. Her hair was caught up, with little wispy bits around her ears. Her eyes seemed bigger and her lips rosier. “Princess, you look beautiful.”

She blushed. “Thanks.” Her lips curved up as she surveyed him. “You look nice.”

Dan grinned, then glanced at John and Ange, who still looked at him with barely disguised apprehension. His mouth dried. Surely they didn’t think—

“Have a good time, you two.”

John’s comment dislodged the uncertainty. He turned to Sarah. “Ready?”

“Yep. Don’t wait up.” Sarah smiled at Ange and John and stepped out with him.

His heart tripped in anticipation. Tonight would be unforgettable.

* * *

The restaurant wasn’tin some fancy resort but a little café right on the water. Blue-and-white china adorned the café’s yellow walls, and a big picture window revealed another boat entering Gravenhurst’s little harbor, pulling into the wharf opposite. How sweet that Dan would think to take her here.

His consideration drew a fluttering in her veins, and she lowered her head to examine the menu. She couldn’t help but contrast the two men who had taken her out in the past week. Whilst both were attractive men, Rob’s charm was fairly obvious, his flattery as fleeting as his interest had no doubt been.

Dan was different. His care and concern over the past few weeks had taken some time to adjust to. She hadn’t always liked what he’d said, but he was honest, and she now counted him as one of her good friends. Her lips twisted. Considering how she’d treated her friends back home, he was probably her best friend.

“Hey, what’s that look for?” Dan lowered his menu and studied her. “If you’d rather go somewhere else, that’s fine.”

“No, this is great! I love that you’re so secure in your masculinity that you’d take me to a tea shop.” She leaned forward. “Some men would be threatened, but not you.”

His eyes laughed. “I’m glad you approve.”

She returned to studying the menu, or at least pretending to. “I was just thinking.”
