“It’s okay, Sar. I promise, we can have dessert.”
She grinned at him, and his heart tripped.And if you keep smiling at me like that, you can have anything else you want too.
Later, ambling hand in hand along the harborside path, his eyes refused to take in the famous view, so fixed were they on the woman beside him. Sarah was radiant tonight, her long hair cascading in waves down her back, her creamy skin aglow. The simple black dress elegantly showed her figure, and she wore some strappy heels that made her slightly taller. The moon was full, shining down on the harbor as the small waves washed against the sand of the little beach nearby. The time was right.
Dan stopped and gazed into her clear eyes. “I wish I didn’t have to go back tomorrow. But Luke’s email today made it sound like their baby will come a little earlier than expected. I guess I’ll be seeing my little niece or nephew pretty soon. That’ll be good.”
“That will be so special for you all.”
Dan observed Sarah carefully, but her eyes remained unclouded at the mention of the baby. Gratitude to God bloomed in his chest. He took hold of her hands. “Sarah, you know you’re my favorite person in all the world, don’t you?”
Her smile lit up her face. “How funny! You’re my favorite person too!”
He took a deep breath. “Sarah, I love you. I’ve missed you so much, and I don’t want to be separated anymore.” He touched her hair, smoothing a wayward strand. “Will you come back to Canada with me?”
* * *
Sarah’s heartstarted beating staccato, her thoughts twirling at his invitation, yet also torn by her contracted obligation. “Of course I’d love to go back, but I have a job to finish here. That doesn’t finish until the end of June.”
“Come in July then. We could spend more time together. That’d be awesome. Maybe even take a vacation together.”
Her eyes widened. “What do you mean take a vacation together?”
“Well, we kinda vacationed together in Muskoka.”
“Yeah, but we weren’t ‘together.’ We were with John and Ange for most of that. What are you suggesting?”
“You’re right. We’d need to get married first.”
Breath stalled, her body tingling in a dozen heart-rippling thrills. “What?”
His chocolaty eyes softened even more. “Sarah, I love you so much. Will you marry me?”
Sarah blinked, trying to absorb his words. She hadn’t expected, hadn’t dared dream this would happen. He wanted to marry her? Low maintenance woman would’ve just said yes. She so wasn’t that woman. “Are you for real?”
“Yes.” He touched her cheek. “These past few months I’ve realized how much I need you in my life. Missing you was like an ache that never stopped.” His fingers slid down her arms before repossessing her hands. “When you told me you didn’t want to see me again, part of me felt like dying. The times we’ve been apart have just made me realize how important you are to me, how precious life is, especially when we live so far apart. And I don’t want to be apart from you anymore. I love you, Sarah. I need you.”
“I love you too, but…” Her brain was definitely operating in low gear tonight. “What do you mean you need me? I’ve seen how I’ve needed you, but how have you needed me?”
He gazed at her steadily, his lips curving as he answered. “Sar, you’ve challenged me, stretched me, helped me really live out what I believe rather than just say stuff I haven’t lived. You’re good for me. You’re smart, you’re talented, you’re kind and joyful, you’re beautiful, you’re funny, you’re everything I want in a wife.” His voice grew husky. “I know I’m not the perfect man, but I am yours, and all that I am, and all that I have, I want to share with you.” He lifted her hands and kissed them. “I love you, Princess. I want to be with you.”
Oh-h-h-h. Sweetness sang through her spirit. “I want to be with you too.”
But…they’d never talked about this. Ever. Had they? She frowned. No. Surely she’d remember that conversation! Dan was standing there, heart in his eyes, just wanting an answer.
Her mind ran faster. She loved this man. Loved his kindness, his generosity, his faith, his honor—and it didn’t hurt that it was all wrapped up in such a handsome package. But despite the thrills rushing through her, she couldn’t make an emotional decision, not with something as huge as this. And not when she feared that in missing her, he’d lost sight of the big picture, of what being married to her would actually mean.
She slowly exhaled, watching his expression carefully as she asked the question that loitered around the edges of elation. “But what about kids?”
“Sar.” He gently squeezed her fingers, then trailed his hands up her arms to cup her face, his dark eyes intent on her. “Sar, I love you. You are more important to me than anything. If we can’t have kids, then God will help us deal with that. But you never know, things might be fine. Regardless, God knows what’s best, so we have to trust Him. And hey, there’s always adoption.”
Sarah gave a hysterical gurgle of laughter.
He smiled. “What?”
“You’re ridiculously good to me.”
“That’s because I love you.”