Page 131 of Muskoka Blue

A gentle tap came at the door, and Sarah poked her head in at his answer.

“Hi, I just wanted to check everything is okay.”

“Couldn’t be better.” He sat up in the bed. Her eyes widened and she glanced away. Oh. Should’ve worn a top. He tugged the covers up higher. “It’s safe to look now.”

Sarah peeked apologetically. “I’m not used to seeing a man in my bed.”

“That’s good to hear. But you know”—he offered a sly smile—“when you get married, you’ll need to get used to it.”

Her cheeks pinked. “But I’m not. So the sight of you there is a little distracting.”

They stared at each other with matching smiles as she maintained her distance from the door. At a sudden door slam, Sarah straightened up from her slouch against the doorframe. “Um, I need to get some things. Do you mind?”

Dan shook his head, watching as she hastily gathered some clothes and began to exit. “Hey, I just remembered, I do need something.”

She turned to him expectantly.

“I need a goodnight kiss.”

* * *

Sarah’s pulse crescendoed.Having Dan here still seemed bizarrely unreal, like some long-held dream actually coming to life. She’d dreamed about kissing him for months now, but with the desire arcing between them, she didn’t want to create a problem…

“Sar, I’ll be a gentleman. Just one kiss.”

She moved closer, then leaned down, smoothing a hand down the side of his face, gently touching the scar on his jaw, smiling into his eyes. “Dan, thank you so much for coming. I’m so glad you’re here. I love you.” She quickly kissed his forehead, then straightened up. “Sweet dreams.”

She laughed at his expression as he grumbled. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Just one kiss, you said.” She smirked. “Goodnight.”


Later, when everyone else had gone to bed, Sarah and her sister drank tea and munched their way through a family-sized block of Cadbury’s milk chocolate as they chatted, Dan being the chief topic of conversation.

“I like him, Sar. He’s nice, great with the girls, and not bad looking at all.”

Sarah swallowed at the memory of his naked chest. Even though she’d seen him without a top on before, when they were swimming months ago, it’d felt so much more intimate seeing him like that in her bed. Her cheeks warmed. Why did he always have this effect on her?

Her sister continued thoughtfully. “Both Joe and I were thinking, he’s different to Stephen but probably better suited to you.”

“How so?”

Bek sighed. “I don’t know if I should say this, but there were times when Stephen seemed a little too controlling, like he wanted you to do things according to his agenda. That’s why you quit Heartsong, right?”

Sarah nodded. “If you thought that, why didn’t you ever say anything?”

“Because you loved him. And I love you and wanted you to be happy. But I don’t think you were as happy with Stephen as you are with Dan now.”

“Dan’s the best.”

Her sister nodded. “You seem way more relaxed with him than I remember you being before. He’s good for you.”

“I love him, Bek. And he must really love me if he’s come all this way.”

“You think?” Her sister laughed, then took another sip of tea. “I think it says a lot that Mum and Dad arranged all this with him. They obviously approve.”

“I’m so glad.” Sarah smiled across the dining table at her sister.