Page 123 of Muskoka Blue


“I wonder who?”

“Maybe there’s a card.”

His lips hitched up. “Maybe there is.” He searched through the fancy wrapping—it appeared the florist had a little too much raffia-love—and found a small envelope. Glanced at her. “You know, nobody has ever sent me roses before.”

“No one?”

“Well, actually, now I think about it, a couple of crazy fans sent me some a few years back, but that doesn’t count.”

“Indeed it does not,” she said firmly.

“So, I wonder who sent these?”

She grinned, and he laughed.

“Remind me never to play poker with you, Princess. Your face can’t hide a thing.”

“Go on, read the card,” she begged.

He opened the white envelope and drew out a piece of paper, then looked at her. Oh, thank goodness everything seemed to have worked out well. It was one thing to have imagined how this could go and quite another to see all the little arrangements falling into place.

“I wasn’t expecting a letter,” he murmured.

“Obviously, someone who loves youvery muchmust have arranged this.”

His eyes met hers, and she knew a savage longing to be there.

“I wish you were here with me,” he said.

“I wish you were here withme.”

“Yeah. Your pictures make it look way warmer there than here.”

“It’s our school’s swimming carnival tomorrow, so we’re glad to be spending the day at the pool when it’s sunny. Those things are never too much fun when it’s rainy or cool.”

He nodded, his gaze returning to the words she’d penned several weeks ago, before sending it express mail to the Toronto florist for inclusion in Dan’s bouquet.

Dear Daniel,

I found an old baby name book a few days ago and looked up your name.

Did you know that Daniel means “God is my judge”? I love that, because if God is our judge, then we know we are judged according to what Jesus has done. God judges us according to His grace and love, so no one else’s opinions need really matter. God sees you and He loves you.

I know you live up to your name so well, displaying love and grace to thosewho don’t deserve it, having been on the receiving end so many times (hello). Thank you.

I love you so much, and I appreciate you more than words can ever say, my darling Daniel. And I hope you know you really are MY darling Daniel.

Yours forever,


She watched his face as he read her words, the tenderness there renewing warmth inside. He rubbed his lips, head tilting a little, before his gaze crept up to meet hers.


She couldn’t read his expression. Was it too much? Too gushy? She was trying to not live out of her emotions so much, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t express the fullness of her heart to someone she trusted, someone who had proved to hold her heart like a precious treasure.