Had she heard that name before? Maybe it had been on one of the online forums she’d “accidentally” visited, when she’d googledDaniel Walton’s girlfriendand come across a site filled with pictures few missionary daughters would likely have seen. Women dressed like that? Women talked about others that way? Had Lana been one of those names mentioned?
Regardless, he didn’t seem too thrilled to be chatting about an ex, so she smiled and grasped his arm. “I’m reliably informed that I’m the only girlfriend at present.”
Even if it might not last much longer. She sucked in a breath. Better get this over with. “Do you mind if we leave soon?” she whispered to Dan before apologizing to the others. “My flight leaves early tomorrow.”
“You’re sure?” Relief edged Dan’s eyes.
She nodded, and they made their farewells. The thumping music was still echoing in her ears when they arrived back at John’s parents’. They had graciously allowed Sarah’s family to join John and Ange before their flight tomorrow, and Sarah figured spending these last few hours with Dan here would be wiser than at Dan’s apartment. Who knew what she might be tempted to do on her last night with him?
Ange and Sarah’s parents were seated in the front room, enjoying a final opportunity for conversation before tomorrow’s early morning airport departure. “Did you have fun?”
Sarah nodded. “I enjoyed it, but I’m glad we left when we did.” She had plenty of time now to talk with Dan. Or maybe they could just take the time to kiss—
“We plan on staying up all night, seeing as the flight’s so early tomorrow.” Her parents looked so pleased with themselves.
“You’re such party animals,” she teased.
“I figured it might help us sleep on the plane tomorrow. That flight’s so long,” her father said. “You’re welcome to join us.”
“Maybe later.” Sarah dragged Dan away.
“We’d like to spend more time with you, Dan.”
“Yes, sir. We’ll talk later.”
Tension roiled through Sarah’s midsection as they sat on the little lounge wedged in the corner of the dining room, picking at a plate of leftover cheese and crackers.
Dan wrapped his hand around hers. “So, you enjoyed tonight?”
“Yes. It was good to go out. I can’t believe how different I feel compared to this time last year.” Last year. On the first anniversary of Steven’s death. She’d remembered the anniversary this morning, had prayed for his parents, but though her mood had dipped, she no longer felt the roar of pain.Thank You, God. Her scarred heart was healing.
“You’re certainly a lot happier than you were six months ago.”
She shifted closer. “Thanks to you.”
“Thanks to God.” His eyes were sober.
“Well, God used you.” Sarah’s heart swelled. “You know I’m going to miss you, Mr. Walton.”
“I’ll miss you too, Miss Maguire.” But his smile didn’t reach his eyes.
“I’m sorry I won’t be here for your birthday.”
What to give the man who had everything, or at least could afford to buy whatever he wanted? Something personal that would make it hard for him to forget her. Her Heartsong experiences had shown the possibilities of basic recording using her laptop and the church sound system. She’d managed to record onto a USB flash-drive a selection of songs he’d said he liked, along with a couple of songs she’d written, and mix them using a program on her laptop. It was very personal, revealing her heart, and she hoped he liked it. She’d given the finished copy—and a CD of the same, mostly because she’d gotten to design the cute cover—to Ange for safekeeping until she could give it to Dan on his birthday in two weeks.
“If you call me, that will make the day special enough.”
“Of course I will.” She closed her hand on his and squeezed. The moment stretched, her heart pounding with intent. She was leaving in just a few hours, and this was her final chance to say what really needed to be said.
His grip tightened, his brow grooved. Was he okay? Her stomach tensed. After listening to what she had to say, he soon wouldn’t be.
* * *
Dan wet his lips,his pulse thundering in his ears.She’s leaving. She’s leaving.
“Dan? Are you okay?”
“Sar, I don’t want you to go. Please stay.”