Page 101 of Muskoka Blue

Snow flurries dancedoutside the picture window overlooking the lake. The wild wind outside made this quiet moment so special. The little alcove here was about as much privacy as they could safely get. His parents and Sam were busy catching up with Luke and Marguerite, but right now Dan needed Sarah alone. His heart pounded, twitchy with anticipation. Dinner had been just an appetizer before the main event.

Dan wrapped an arm around Sarah and drew her closer. She glanced up, smiled, and pressed her lips to his jaw. He sucked in air, his heart racing. Did Sarah know the effect she had on him? Maybe it was just as well he was going back to T.O. tomorrow. That kiss on the ice before, then when she’d touched his face, had been intoxicating. And today had to be the day she finally admitted what her kisses had confirmed long ago. But as awesome as that had been to hear, it had just made other things more difficult now.

“I love you, Dan.”

Her words infused confidence that rippled to the edges of his soul. He’d never get tired of hearing that. “I love you too.” He squeezed her hand. “I know it’s a day early, but I have something for you.”

Her eyes lit. “Oh! We’re exchanging presents! I have something for you too. Let me run and get it.”

She jumped up and disappeared before he could argue, returning shortly with a medium-sized gold-wrapped box and a big grin. “I hope you like it.” She leaned forward, kissing him lightly on the lips. “Merry Christmas, Daniel.”

Dan slowly read the card, took his time to unwrap the present. Tonight had to be drawn out. He wanted time to create the memories he’d later treasure. He smiled at the digital photo frame, already loaded with photos from their time together. It was a visual record of their relationship, from the early fishing days, to the camp, Niagara Falls, the CN tower, the charity event. There were even a couple of candid ones from today’s funny ice-skating lesson.

She nudged him. “Sam took that photo, then helped me load it. He’s good value, your brother.”

“This is amazing. I didn’t know you’d taken so many pictures.”

“I’m a tourist, remember? Anyway, I’ve seen the attention you guys receive, so I figured you’d probably need reminding once I’m gone.”

She didn’t mean that, surely. “Sar, there’ll never be anyone I could love like I do you.”


“Really.” He kissed the back of her hand. “I have something for you. It’s just a little something, though.” Small, but it said a lot. He handed over the small pale blue package. “Merry Christmas, Sarah.”

* * *

It was shapedlike a jeweler’s box. Her mouth dried. Was this what he’d wanted to say? Surely he wouldn’t. They’d only known each other seven months. That wasn’t enough time to know for sure. She looked up into his eyes. “Dan, I—”

“Just open it.”

With a growing sense of panic, Sarah slowly opened the box to encounter a magnificent cluster of diamonds winking at her. “Oh, Dan.”No. It’s too soon.

He was watching her carefully, and she lifted her eyes to his, drinking in the chocolate warmth, before looking at the diamonds again. “It’s so beautiful.”

“I wanted something so you’d remember me and remember how much I love you.”

She couldn’t stop the hysterical gurgle. How much had he spent? It was almost too gorgeous. “It definitely makes a statement.” A forever kind of statement.

She pulled it from the box.


It wasn’t a ring but a pendant. She glanced up. Dan was still closely watching her. She couldn’t reveal how silly her initial assumption had been, so she hugged him, resting her cheek against his, closing her eyes to savor the slight roughness of his jaw and that aftershave that made her swoon. “Thank you.” She couldn’t believe this man. Remember how much he loved her? This gift ensured she’d never forget. She wrapped her arms around him tighter. She felt almost giddy.

He eased back. “You want to try it on?”

She nodded, and he carefully extracted the pendant and underlying chain from the box, the delicacy of the workmanship magnified by his strong hands. He lifted up her hair, sending shivers down her spine when he touched her skin as he clasped it on.

She turned around, and Dan’s expression went all soft. “Princess, that’s just how I imagined it. You look beautiful.”

* * *

The diamond clusternestled at the base of her throat—her beautiful, creamy throat housing her amazing voice, in that little well that looked like it was made for kissing. It was a pretty amazing piece of jewelry, with a price tag to match. God bless the NHL—and his agent, who’d negotiated his contract. Anyway, she was worth it.

Sarah was looking at him with shining eyes. He couldn’t spoil this moment with confessions from the past. “Come on.” Grabbing her hand, he led her to the dining room, where the conversation among the rest of his family was still going strong.

“But didn’t you want to…”