Page 41 of Muskoka Blue

* * *

Humble pie was so delicious.Not.

Sarah sat on the log, gazing at the expectant faces turned to her. Why did she always overreact, leading to necessary moments like this? “Uh, I just wanted to apologize to everyone for earlier. I shouldn’t have become so hysterical. I’m really sorry.” She caught Justin’s gaze and attempted to smile. It was so not cool to be here as a leader and be the one acting more like a child. She exhaled. “Oh, and thanks heaps, everyone, for spending so much time looking for my ring. I don’t know what I’d have done if Travis and Dan hadn’t found it.” She sent Travis another warm smile. It was nice to see the other boys treating the day’s hero with a little more respect. His cheeks reddened even as his chest puffed out.

“You’re the man, Trav.”

Sarah caught Dan’s amused expression and quickly dropped her gaze. It was still so hard to look at him after all that had transpired earlier. His forgiveness still couldn’t cover her shame.

“Now, who’s up for a sing along?”

The chorus of groans greeting Boyd’s suggestion mirrored Sarah’s own feelings. She’d be very happy not to sing. It’d be nice to go to bed early and just have this day end.

“Come on, didn’t you enjoy Patrik’s guitar playing last night?”

Boyd was keen for some reason to extend the night’s activities, even though they’d already toasted marshmallows and played spotlight with torches. After nursing fresh bruises from that stumblingly awful activity, she wasreallyready to find her sleeping bag. Maybe Boyd just wanted the boys to sleep in more tomorrow morning. Ha. Fat chance.

“No s’mores till we sing!”

Sarah swallowed a smile. Boyd really was a camp Nazi.

“Did I mention that Sarah’s a musician?”

What? She looked up and caught Dan’s smirk. Well, maybe she did deserve it, after the way she’d treated him today.

“Really?” Boyd shot her an interested look. “Do you play guitar?”

Sarah coughed. “Not very well.” She’d had to learn the rudiments of several instruments in order to teach her classes effectively. If she was rusty with piano, then her guitar playing would be positively primeval.

But Patrik passed her the guitar—there was nothing she could do. Wonderful.

Sarah shook her head as Boyd and the boys suggested songs. “I don’t really know any camp fire classics.”

She absently strummed a couple of chords, reacquainting herself with the feel of a guitar, desperately trying to recall the chords of any song appropriate for this moment. How long since she’d done this?

“You play anything you like. It’s gotta be better than what Patrik does. We don’t understand too many of his Swedish songs.” Dan’s playful smile and thump on the exchange student’s arm took the pressure off.

She strummed a couple of bars of “Amazing Grace” before she stopped. “Um, I think some of you will recognize this. The words are very important to me.” Even more so tonight. “I really hope you’ll sing along. I need your help.” She looked at Dan and he smiled, giving her courage to continue.

* * *

“What’sthe deal with you and her?”

Boyd’s question broke Dan’s reverie. The boys were finally in bed, and the quiet of the campsite was perfect for dreaming. He’d been thinking back to when Sarah had finished the song and the entire group had sat in silence until Justin said, freckled face shining in admiration, “Gee, Sarah. You’re an awesome singer.”

Sarah had blushed, just as Dan had known she would. He shook his head. She really was getting under his skin if he could predict her movements.

Boyd nudged him again. “Dan?”

“Nothing. We’re just friends.” Was that like “just” neighbors? He had to be careful now; Boyd knew him too well. He subtly shifted to his game face, hoping the years of playing defense would help hide his inner turmoil.

“Friends, huh?” Boyd’s searching glance and sardonic expression almost triggered the truth. “You could’ve fooled me, the way you’ve been staring at her all night.”

“She’s different.” What a weak word for the wealth of emotion he felt. “I find her interesting.”

“Just tread carefully, Dan. It’s obvious she’s not yet over the fiancé.”

“Stephen,” Dan ground out.