Page 125 of Muskoka Blue

Dan smirked. “I wasn’t sure if you’d say that after the last game.”

“Dude, I’m just glad to have survived the puck blast intact, and that you didn’t hip-check me the way you did poor Zac. What’d you eat before the game? Rocket fuel?”

“I hope your wife forgives me for the scar.”

“She will.” Chris touched his newly decorated cheek. “One day.”

Dan lifted a hand to the other guys to a chorus of heys and hellos. It seemed a Monday night when nearly everyone was there, even though the online Bible study crossed four time zones. Brent, Tim, Beau, and Tyler were all on Eastern time like him. Chicago-based Pastor Josiah Abrahams, who often led the study, was on Central time, as was Luc Blanchard from Winnipeg. Calgary’s Mike and Edmonton’s Ryan Guillemette were on Mountain time, then Chris and Jai Mullins were on Pacific time, in Vancouver and San Jose respectively.

“Anyone else think we’re getting so big we may need to split this group?” Mike said. “Maybe have a separate one for those of us living over here in the Western Conference.”

“Dude, I love living in San Jose, but making these times gets a little hard,” Jai confessed.

“Yeah, I bet that has more to do with your new wife than any time zone issues,” Tyler said with a waggle of his eyebrows that brought a round of laughter and Jai’s red face.

“Time zones can be a killer,” Brent said. “I remember trying to juggle things when Holly was in Australia. I’m so glad she’s here with me now. Man, that’s far away.”

“Sure is,” Dan agreed without thinking.

Brent’s head tilted. “Now that sounds like the voice of experience. Who do you know on that side of the world?”

Dan chewed his lip. He hadn’t really told any of the guys about where things were at with Sarah. But he supposed there was no time like the present. So he told them, to a chorus of catcalls and tease.

“So, tell us more,” Chris demanded. “What’s she do, where does she live. Deets, man. Spill.”

“She’s a music teacher, works in a high school—”

“Oh, so she knows how to keep you in line,” Tyler razzed.

“She lives in Sydney,” Dan continued.

“Cool city,” Brent said, nodding.

“How’d you meet?” Ryan asked. He and Luc were now the only two single guys in the group.

He told them, which led to more teasing about loving your neighbor and the like.

“I’m happy for you, Dan,” Josiah said. “He who finds a wife finds a good thing.”

Dan choked. “We’re not at that stage yet.”

“Yet?” Tim asked.

He needed to change the subject, and fast. “So about tonight’s study—”

“Nah, we want to know more about this chick,” Chris said. “Sorry, Pastor Jo.”

“It’s fine.” Josiah lifted his hands. “I want to know more too.”

Ten expectant faces waited for Dan to speak. Oh well. Here went nothing. “Have you heard of Heartsong Collective?”

There were a few nods. “My wife loves their music,” Beau offered.

“Bree does, too,” Mike said.

“We often use their songs here in church,” Josiah said.

“Yeah, well, she’s one of their main songwriters. She used to tour with them a few years ago, took some time off, and is now writing for them again.” Dan felt a ping of pride that she’d faced her fears and sent that email last month. Heartsong’s powers-that-be had immediately sent back confirmation that yes, they’d love to meet with her and see how things could progress. Sarah’s excitement when she told him had been next level but slightly tempered by questions of what this could mean, because she didn’t want to necessarily tour with them again.