Page 57 of Ghost on the Shore

“Morning, Grace.”

Owen’s eyes stay on me as Leo introduces their friend—can’t recall his name—and then Leo adds, “Were you able to sleep out there? It can get really hot.”

I absently reach up to touch my head, sure that my unruly curls are springing out in several different directions as we speak. A finger comb-through doesn’t cut it with hair like mine.

“Yeah…Um, hi.”

That’s all I manage to get out before Olivia grabs my hand and drags me into the living room. She’s dressed in one of the sparkly tutus I got for her last birthday and pleading with me to watch as she gets herself into a pretty comical imitation of first position.

I’m aware that he’s still watching me as I set Olivia’s arms properly and adjust her feet so they’re parallel. “Perfect,” I tell her, stepping back. My cheeks are flushed.

She holds it for all of a nanosecond before breaking into a wild dance that doesn’t follow the rhythm of whatever Skylar’s got playing on the speaker.

I look to Skylar. “That’s how kidsshoulddance. Holding your body in those rigid positions at her age is torture.”

“Oh, I have no intention of going the dance mom route. She likes dancing this week, last week it was jewelry making, next week it’ll be cake decorating.”

“Or fixing cars,” Leo says.

She nods as she sets a big platter onto the table. “Or fixing cars. My point is, if she wants to dance it’s going to be the kind of lessons Sienna and I took with that lady at the community center. It was pure fun, not crazy or competitive.”

“I loved ballet, but I can’t say I ever felt like I was having fun at the studio.” Grabbing my bag off the counter, I add, “Miss Abramov was half drill sergeant, half pitbull.”

Owen catches my eye. “That sounds awful.”

I can laugh at the memory now. “You have no idea. I just hope she’s not terrorizing the next generation of young dancers.”

As they start filling their plates with scrambled eggs and pancakes, I take the opportunity to split. “The party was great, and thank you so much for the present and the beautiful cake.” Looking to Olivia, I add, “You made my day super special.”

“Can’t you stay for breakfast?” Leo asks.

“No.” Backing up towards the door, I make some lame excuse about having lots to do, then wave and say goodbye to the group before bolting.

I catch my breath once I’m out the door, pausing with my hand still resting on the doorknob. Whatwasthat? I try to chalk the weirdness up to the after effects of a slight hangover, but nope, I feel just fine. Owen is attractive, but I’ve been around plenty of good looking guys without spazzing before, so that’s not it either.

He’s into me, that’s it.

Owen looks at me like he’s trying to figure me out, and I don’t know how I feel about being the subject of someone’s scrutiny.

Yeah, that vow I made last night, the wholeI’m not doing this hiding thing anymore? Right now I want nothing more than to be back in the quiet sanctuary of Aunt Viv’s house.

I’m just starting towards my car when the door opens and Owen steps outside. “Grace, wait up.”

I take a breath to shore myself up and then turn to him. “Hey.”

“Hey. I thought you left last night. Didn’t realize you were camped out in the pool house.”

“Did you crash here, too?”

“No.” He shakes his head smiling and then gestures down the street. “I live a few blocks that way and around the corner.”


There’s a pause before he says, “I was wondering if you’d like to go out sometime.” And with his hands jammed into his pockets, he’s looking a little bit nervous and a lot cute. “You know, like grab dinner or something?” Before I can answer, he says, “I know you just got out of something serious, so if it’s too soon just say the word. I’ll understand.”

It’s been what, a week, ten days? It is too soon. But looking down at my feet, trying to hide what’s surely written on my face, I know that I want to say yes. Fuck it, I like him.

“I’ll go out with you.” And then I look up to meet his eyes, feeling more sure about what I’m setting into motion. “I’d like that.”