Page 47 of Your Hand in Mine

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Maureen comes to relieve me Tuesday at dinnertime, not Leo.

“He said he has a thing with his friend Ed on campus.” She lifts the lid off the pan on the stovetop. “Well, didn’t I luck out tonight, Olivia? What did you two whip up today?”

“Chicken,” Olivia answers with no enthusiasm.

“Libs,” I force a cheery tone, “you’ve got to sell it. Chickenmarsalawith mushrooms and green onions over someyummybuttery noodles with parsley.”

“And there’s brussel sprouts,” she adds with a pout.

“I happen to love brussel sprouts. And this smells fantastic.” Looking to me, Maureen says, “Aren’t you staying for dinner?”

I’ve already got my coat on. “Not hungry and I’ve got a final tomorrow. Gotta hit the books.”

I’m not hungry but it’s only because my stomach is in knots. Did the teacher talk to Leo yesterday? Is he mad about the whole Libs calling me mom thing? I would have told him but when I was leaving on Sunday he was acting weird, and I figured I had it under control anyway. Olivia seemed like she understood.

I lean in to give Olivia a kiss goodbye. “Wish me luck on my test, Libs. I’m off to the library.”

“Good luck.”

Her mood is off too. It’s like there’s a gray cloud hanging over this house. I look over to see this hasn’t affected Maureen, though. She whistling a tune as she helps herself to a portion so big that I’m thinking there won’t be much left over for Leo when he gets in.

Feeling kind of ornery as I walk out the door, I whisper so no one else can hear, “Serves him right.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


“You can cover Friday night? Sure it’s no problem?”

“I’ve got nothing on my busy social calendar this Friday. But Saturday is a no can do. I have a date.”

“Good for you.”

She rolls her eyes. “Don’t patronize me like I’m some old lady and the idea of me dating is amusing to you in some way.”

“I wasn’t.”

“Yes, Leo, you were.” Tossing the container of ice cream into the trash, the one that was full when I left this morning, she adds, “You could learn a few things from the gentlemen I date.”

Here we go.

“You need to get out there. It’s not natural, a young, good looking man like yourself without a partner. I’m not telling you to run out and find yourself a wife. I’m just saying…Put yourself out there for heaven’s sake!” Turing to check herself out in the mirror she says, “Take it from me, if you don’t use it you lose it.”

Great, now I’ve got a visual of Maureen and some elderly dude doing the deed.

I raise my chin, gesture in Olivia’s direction. “I’ve got other priorities.”

“You think you’re doing her any favors? Men who don’t,” she lowers her voice, “satisfy theirneedstend to be miserable and grumpy. I’d say you fit that description.”

I’m biting my tongue to keep myself from telling her to shut her trap. And while she fully deserves it, Momma didn’t raise me that way. “Thanks for your concern, really, but I’m doing just fine.” I don’t know why I feel the need to add, “You’ll be happy to know that I need you to babysit Friday night because I actually do have a date.”

Her eyes light up. “Iknewit! You’re finally taking Skylar out?”


“You know, Skylar, the very attractive young woman who spends a whole lotta time in your home. Ring a bell?”