Page 39 of Your Hand in Mine

“Do you think it’s so hard to read people? To read men?”

“I don’t know what I think.” I trace my finger along the window, writing my name in the fogged-up glass. “I just know that he’s a good person and I’ve hurt him.”

“You don’t seem like the kind of person who goes around intentionally hurting people. Just sayin’…”

“Sometimes it’s just inevitable. The only thing that would make Ty happy is the two of us getting back together again, and that will never happen.”

“Never is a strong word. What if you were trapped on a deserted island with no chance of rescue?”

I picture Lila sauntering out of his bedroom practically naked. “Never.”

Leo keeps his eyes trained on the road. “Zombie apocalypse and he’s your only shot at survival?”

I don’t miss a beat. “Nope, not happening.”

“What if he swore on his life that he’d nevereverdo the thing that made you break it off with him in the first place?”

I picture Tyler watching a football game, cursing at the television screen when the field goal kick doesn’t go his way. “That’s a promise he can’t keep.”

I fix my eyes on the scenery outside and that’s when I notice that the rain has turned heavy and wet. Leo turns on the news radio channel just in time to hear the announcer forecast snow squalls and possible accumulation for tonight.

“You gotta love springtime in Pennsylvania.”

“I’ll take you straight back to your dorm.”

“That’s out of the way. Get Olivia home and then I’ll head back when there’s a break in the weather.”

“No. I don’t want you driving in this.”

“But I’m picking Olivia up from school on Monday, remember?”

“Yeah…Maybe we can switch it up next week? I’ll cover Monday and then we can do a full day on Tuesday? But only if it works for you.”

“That works.”

“Good. Oh, and you just reminded me…There’s a race in Miami in two weeks and the team sponsor really wants me to attend. It’s the biggest race second only to Daytona and I’ve backed out on the last few events. It would be for an entire weekend, though. Are you up for that?”

“I’m up for it, but is it the weekend of the twenty-first?”

“I think so. You’re not available? It’s fine if you can’t do it.”

“What would you do, have Maureen cover it?”

I know Leo still asks her to fill in when he’s desperate, but leave Olivia in Maureen’s care for an entire weekend?

His brow furrows as if he’s thinking the same exact thing. “I’ll figure something out.”

“I might have a solution. I promised Garth and Sienna I’d watch James that weekend. They never had a real honeymoon when they got married, and Garth was able to borrow a friend’s cabinandget some time off so I don’t want to disappoint them. I was planning to head down there Friday night after you got home, but if I watch James at your house then I can get him Friday morning and be back in time to get Olivia. She’d be over the moon about it.”

“I can’t ask you to do that. Sounds like a lot of work.”

“It might work out even better. The cabin is up in Erie. They’ll be passing right through here on their way home. Actually, I won’t even have to drive down to get him. They can just drop James off with us on Saturday morning.”

He comes to a stop outside of my dorm. “If you’re sure it’s all right then I’m on board.”

“Great. It’s settled then.” I look behind me to see that Olivia’s still out cold. “Late afternoon nap. Good luck getting her to sleep tonight.”

He pretends to be offended. “You think I don’t have any tricks up my sleeve? She’ll be tucked in by eight.”