Page 22 of Your Hand in Mine

“Do you drive?”

“I do.” I immediately raise my palm to stop him. “And before you ask, I have no accidents or speeding tickets on my record.”

He nods, jaw tight. “My hours are flexible, so we can figure out a schedule working around your classes, but I’d need a commitment of at least fifteen hours a week.”

Did I say math wasn’t my strong suit? Well, when motivated I can multiply pretty damn fast. Three-hundred and seventy-five dollars a week to babysit? Is he high?

“I can do that.”

“Some weekend nights occasionally?”


“And,” he rubs at the stubble along his chin, “this would be on a trial basis.”

“Of course.”

The amount of money he’s dangling before me is unreal, but still, I’m thinkinghe’sthe one who will be on trial. Yes, twenty-five dollars an hour is a king’s ransom for me right now, but let’s face it, I’m not entirely sure this man will make a fair or sane employer. Maybe his last few babysitters quit on him. Maybe that’s why he has to pay so much.

“Could you come by this Sunday so I can see how you interact with Olivia? I mean, I’ve seen you interact with her, but to tell you the truth I was half out of my mind by the time I got to your office. Oh…And I’ll pay you for your time of course.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“I insist.”

“Ok then.” I pull out my phone. “I’ll give you my number so you can send me the address.”

After he programs my number into his phone, he says, “See you Sunday at noon.”

He turns to go, and I watch as he stops to shake hands with a few people and say his goodbyes. Meanwhile, I stand rooted in place long after he’s gone.

What in the hell did I just sign up for?

Chapter Fourteen


I’m standing in the kitchen, looking around wondering what’s the correct protocol for this odd job interview. Should I put out snacks, order some pizza? I tell myself no, that I’m not looking to impress this girl, but the truth is that I’m damn near desperate.

I came home a few nights ago after that fundraiser to find Maureen snoring on the couch with some obscene reality show playing on the television. And Olivia? She was wide awake eating potato chips next to Maureen, watching with rapt attention.

I had to take a few breaths to calm myself, because the truth is that I can’t fire Maureen. So instead I carried Olivia upstairs as she wiped her greasy fingers on my dress shirt and then left salty crumbs in my beard when she kissed me goodnight, went back down and turned off the television right before two deck hands were about to go at it in their shoebox-sized cabin, and then nudged Maureen’s shoulder. She woke with a start, looking around to orient herself.

“What time is it?” she asked, rubbing at her eyes.

“Just about eleven.”

She shook her head. “Just about an hour after yousaidyou’d be home.” Getting up off the couch, she yawned. “I’m past my bedtime.”

I swallowed back my snarky retort because she was right, I did say I’d be home by ten o’clock. And maybe I shouldn’t be asking a woman her age to work nights.

“What time do you need me tomorrow, Leo?”

“I’m taking the next few days off, so…”

“So call me when you need me.” Smiling as she grabbed her sweater off the back of the couch, she looked to me cocking her head. “Oh, and we had apples with peanut butter for snack, just in case you were wondering.”

I wanted to shoot back,Was that before or after the Doritos?But again I held my tongue.