Page 20 of Your Hand in Mine

“It’s a noble profession.” He looks down at Grace and then winks at me. “She inspires me too.”

Ok, he’s too cute. I’m going to give it to Grace later on for making him out to be something that he’s not. And I’m suddenly feeling bad for the guy. He does seem more like a Thaddius than a Jax, and it must be awful living day to day in the hopes of impressing guys like my department chair.

DoctorThompson is Grayson Thompson the Third, Ph.D. He’s as nice as can be, but now that I think about it, I’ve witnessed him being dismissive to the younger professors more than once or twice, maybe giving off a vibe that’s superior or self-important. Maybe these waters aren’t so easy to navigate for Jax.

“Skylar, can I borrow Grace for a minute?” Looking to her, he adds, “I want you to meet my new graduate teaching assistant. She’s great.”

“Sure. Will you be ok, Skylar?”

“Of course. I’ve been eyeing that cheese board over there for the last five minutes. I’m going to go introduce myself right now.”

Grace pinches my hip. “A dancer who eats cheese. You’re my kind of girl.”

I watch the two of the make their way across the room, watch as he taps another woman on the shoulder, watch the way Grace and the woman politely size one another up.

In my Human Behavioral Ecology class we study mating behaviors in animals and the natural parallels between animals and humans. Some of the rituals are so bizarre. Male birds of paradise practice a complex dance taught to them by their fathers, perfecting it until that special day when they perform it in front of the females, all in the hopes of winning the dance off. Sage grouses puff out their chests, raise their tail feathers and whistle, hoping to stand out among the crowd and lure in a lady friend. And don’t even get me started on giraffes. Just, ew.

Usually the guys have to work to lure in the ladies, but mimicking the mating ritual of the silverback gorilla, across the room right now two beautiful females are vying for the attention of one bespectacled, clueless male specimen.

Jack is smiling, seemingly pleased that his woman and his new co-worker do, indeed, have lots in common and are getting along well, but I’m studying their interaction from a different angle.

I watch as the graduate student straightens her posture when she greets Grace—possibly in a show of dominance—and she’s been either consciously or subconsciously tilting her head to the side and smiling up at Jack whenever she addresses him. Grace, who is obviously no dope, has stepped closer to Jack and laced her fingers through his—a show of possession—and leans her head against Jack’s shoulder right after he says something that’s obviously complimentary—a clear demonstration of intimacy. New girl’s expression drops when Jack laughs at something Grace says, and excuses herself a moment later.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner for Grace. And I shake my head in wonder after bearing witness to this theory playing out in real time. Nope, we aren’t all that more sophisticated than animals after all.


I raise my hand to my mouth and speak around the mouthful of gruyere and grapes I’m chewing. Awesome. “Hi, Doctor Thompson.”

He looks down at my dress and his brow wrinkles as if he can’t figure out why I’m here. “Are you working this event?”

I knew I looked like the wait staff. “No.” I brush the crumbs off my hands and try my best to look cool and composed. “I came with a friend. She’s here with her boyfriend. He teaches in the Humanities Department.”

“Excellent!” Hmm, he seems super happy to have cleared that up. “You know, it’s an unbelievably odd turn of events. I was just thinking about you and it’s like you’ve magically appeared.”

“Really?” I’m kind of shocked right now that he even knew my name.

“If you don’t mind, there’s someone I want you to meet.” And before I can say yes, I’m being led clear across the room. “You’ve actually met my colleague before,” he says before approaching a small group. “Ed, do remember this young lady from a few weeks ago?”

He studies me for a nanosecond before breaking into a wide grin. “I do! You saved the day if I recall.” I return his smile but haven’t a clue as to what’s going on or who this guy is. “I’m Doctor Sheffield. I head the Mechanical Engineering program.”

I shake his outstretched hand. “Skylar Perillo.”

“Wait here, Skylar.”

He shoots Thompson a smile and then goes to tap another guy on the shoulder. My cheeks turn a blazing shade of crimson when I come face to face with none other than Grumpy Daddy, otherwise known as the guy I’ve used for inspiration the past couple of nights in my quest to get off.

Thompson says, “We were just discussing a dilemma Mr. Hale is having.”

“Mr. Hale?”

He shifts on his feet before extending his hand. “Leo Hale. Olivia, uh, Libby’s father.” I smile and take his hand, letting him off the hook because he looks hella uncomfortable. “And I owe you a proper thank you…Maybe even an apology.”

“It was nothing, and I’m glad it all turned out fine. She’s an adorable little girl.”

Thompson says, “Skylar, you actually came to mind when Mr. Hale was telling me about his difficulty in finding a babysitter. You did ask Diana for more hours, didn’t you?”

“Yes, but…I mean, I was asking for more hours in my work study position.”