Page 16 of Pretty Ruthless

“Not an interview, just a question, a fairly easy one really.” I say with curiosity, “what’s the greatest thing you’ve done?” I want to know everything about her, about everything I’ve missed while she was away. I’ve seen her in articles, but I want to hear it from her, not online where it could possibly be half fake.

“I have a pet project that I live for. In Full Bloom is a nonprofit that I run that provides skincare products to third world countries. I went to Cambodia two years ago to deliver the shipment and I’ve never been more humbled in my entire life. That’s my greatest accomplishment,” she beams at me and I can tell that she truly believes in what she’s saying.

“Do you want to stay here tonight?” I ask out of nowhere. Hoping like fuck that she says yes.

“Are you going to try and kiss me again?” She teases.

I clear my throat and smile. “I’ll do a lot more than that if you’ll let me.” I say under my breath.

“Get outta here,” she says, pushing my shoulder lightly with a giggle.

“Okay,” she rearranges herself on the couch making herself comfortable, “my turn to ask you a question.”

“Open book. Shoot.” I reply, kicking my feet out. However, there is no way I’m putting my feet on the table. That’s a fat ass no for me.

Her face turns serious for a moment, “what do you want from me?”

“A blow job would be nice,” I say wagging my eyebrows and she laughs so loud I feel it in my soul.

“Seriously though, what do you want from me?” She smiles at me and I remember for a moment what it’s like to love her and lose her so I answer honestly.

“Everything. I want everything,” I rest my palm on her calf hoping to relay how serious I am, “I want to see you first thing in the morning, I want to wake up next to you, I want to be the person you call when you’ve had a shit day. I want to take care of you when you get sick, I want to surprise you with flowers just because I thought about you, I want to hold your hand while we’re driving, I want to watch you become a mom, I want to spend the rest of my life reminding you that you are and will always be the best thing that ever happened to me. I want to grow old with you Claire, that’s what I mean by everything.” I watch her face, twist in confusion like she doesn’t believe me, like she’s waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Her blue eyes hold mine for a long moment, she’s searching for something, sincerity maybe, but I’ve never been more serious about anything. I’ve waited years to have her back in my life and I’m not sure I’ll survive losing her again.

“There’s no one else, just you.” I whisper.

“I’ll stay tonight,” she whispers back.

If tonight’s what she’s willing to offer than tonight is what I’ll take.

Chapter 15


“Perfect, let me talk to my board on Monday and we can see what we can work out.” I say into the speakerphone of my car. I just left the adorable brick building on the corner of Main Street that Dawson and I passed yesterday. As soon as I walked inside I knew that it was perfect but I have to get my board on the same page for the flagship store. I give a couple more pleasantries to the real estate agent as I pull into the high school gym.

Tonight’s the meet and greet for the reunion and I feel like I’ve been here for a year after everything that went down with Dawson last night and today’s business. I push the green call button on my steering wheel as I watch people meander into the gym.

“Call Elena,” I say loud and clear.

“Calling Elena on other,” the voice says back and the line starts to ring.

“I’m not going to tell you again,” Elena starts but I cut her off.

“I found a new store location and I’m going to move my office there.”

“What?!?” She shrieks into the phone, “when? How?”

“Brighton has an adorable older building on the corner and I want to be there.” I say with no room for discussion in my tone.

“Okay, who are you and what have you done with my San Fran loving boss?” She asks, humor lacing her tone.

“I’m so tired of San Fran Elaine, I’m tired of being alone.”

“You aren’t alone, you have me.” She whines.

“You know what I mean, also, you’re coming with me, back your bags, sublet your apartment. It’s gonna be a wild ride.” I laugh.