“Sure.” She agrees after a long pause. She grabs the door handle to her sporty black SUV but I push the door shut. She turns back to me with a curious expression, I reach into my pocket and pull the keys to my truck out.
“For old time sake?” I ask, jingling the keys to my old Chevy.
“You still have it?” She asks, warmth lacing her tone.
“Of course I do. It’s a classic, you don’t give away a classic.”
We walk side by side towards the Chevy her grandpa let me buy from his garage when we were sixteen. I worked two summers there to pay it off and then…never left. The garage has been home for a long time now and I hope taking her there will help her remember what it was like before.
Chapter 8
June 4th, 2013
The sound of the shower stops and I wait for Claire to walk out of the hotel bathroom. Last night was incredible, we fumbled through the first time, barely containing our giggles as we tried and failed to get my dick to fit twice. The second time was easier and we kind of knew what we were doing, but the third time, the third time was incredible.
“Are you sure you aren’t too sore? I want you to be able to walk tomorrow.” I whisper chuckling into her neck.
“I’m sure. I need you,” she says as she wiggles her butt against my hardening cock. I feel like a slug with salt on it with the amount of times I’ve come in the last twelve hours but if she wants more, she can have as much as she wants.
“Do you wanna get on top?” I ask.
“Oooo we could try that,” she sighs, rolling over so she’s facing me. She kisses me slowly, her lips soft against mine as she throws a leg over my thighs. The soft light of the sunrise breaking the horizon peaks through the blinds illuminating her just enough that I can see her dark hair falling in messy waves against her shoulders and her blue eyes as she looks down at me with the sweetest tired smile.
“I don’t know what to do,” she stammers, embarrassed.
“Lift up.” I tell her as I grab hold of my cock and line it up with her entrance. “Come back down, slowly.” She does what I tell her and her wet heat envelopes me. Jesus, how did I live this long without this? I’ve been jacking off almost daily since I was thirteen and nothing compares to this. Wait, this feels too good…I look down between us and unlike the two times before this there’s no condom.
“Hop up babe, I gotta grab a condom.” I give her thigh a light tap signaling for her to move.
“Nooo.,” she sighs once she’s fully seated, “just this once. I’m on the pill. We’ll be fine, I want to feel you, all of you.”
No condom. Alright, she’s on the pill. Has been for years. And if she miraculously got pregnant, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. I nod to her, agreeing that just this once we can go bare.
“What do I do?” She asks with a laugh as her walls tighten around me from the movement.
“Whatever you feel comfortable doing. Lift yourself up and down slowly, if it hurts let me know.”
“Okay,” she smiles adorably. Using her thigh muscles she lifts herself up slightly and then back down again, it feels like heaven and I’m enjoying watching her use me as her own personal sex toy. Her breath hitches after a minute or so of her riding me in slow measured movements.
“Can I go faster?” She asks, her voice low as she leans forward and her palms find my chest.
“You can do whatever you want.” I say folding my arms behind my head. She nods before leaning more of her weight on my chest with her palms.
Her hips start to roll and I have to stop the moan that threatens to leave the back of my throat. Jesus, that feels good. Her small movements have become quick and jerky as she chases her orgasm.
“Take what you need baby,” I moan as I try to stave off my own orgasm.
“I think-“ she pants, a low moan breaking free from her, “I’m gonna- oh fuck.”
Her walls tighten and pulse around me as her palms leaves my chest to cup her breast. White hot heat races through me and I can’t stop my hands from grabbing hold of her hips and pushing myself deeper inside her. My balls tighten and my vision goes a little blurry as her body pulses with mine.
“I love you,” she says against my clammy chest after the aftershocks have subsided and her head rests comfortably on my sternum above my heart. I kiss the top of her head and tell her I love her too as we fall asleep.
This is by far the best day of my life, hell the best week/month/year of my life so far, not because we just had sex for the first time but because I feel closer to her than I ever have before.
“Babe, will you grab my toothbrush outta my bag?” Claire asks from the door of the bathroom, she’s wrapped in a white fluffy towel with another wrapped around her head. I hop up from my spot on the bed and grab her massive purse from the table.