“It’s pretty cool he left you the house,” Dawson’s eyes roam around the kitchen like we haven’t sat here a thousand times before.
“Yeah,” I sigh, “it’s cool but I’m not here enough to enjoy it.”
“Well maybe having it will bring you back to town more than once every year and I can actually spend some time with you.” Dawson smiles, his tone is a little bitter but it’s understandable. I’ve been so damn busy with everything I barely make it back here. As soon as I graduated college I got a full time position with the marketing agency I interned for all four years of school. It’s been a wild ride and it’s about to get even more hectic, a great friend of mine asked if I wanted to apply at her cosmetics retail company as her vice President of marketing.
“Or you know, you could come to San Fran?” I say it jokingly, but god do I want him to say yes. I want him to come with me to the city so we can enjoy life together. Not just seeing each other from time to time. What if it doesn’t work out, what if he finds someone new? My heart starts racing, but I know what his answer will be.
I don’t miss the grimace that hits his face before he clears it with a soft smile, “you know I wasn’t meant for that kind of life. I don’t even like waiting at stop signs for someone else to go, could you imagine me sitting in traffic?”
I imagine him completely surrounded by other cars as his truck moves forward at a speed more akin to snails and laugh. He would lose his mind, full Ace Ventura style.
“Good point,” I say with a giggle. He smiles at me and it looks like he wants to say something but he doesn’t. Unspoken words will be the death of us.
“Let’s go to bed, we aren’t going to solve anything tonight,” he extends his hand out to me and I take it as he lifts me up out of the chair.
“There is one thing we could solve tonight…” I wink, using my free hand I cup the back of his neck and pull him towards me. His mouth meets mine and fuck, I missed this. It’s been too damn long.
Chapter 11
October 10, 2018
We stumble into the living room, both of us caught up in each other and catching up, if you catch my drift. The back of my knees hit the back of the couch and Claire gives my shoulder a light shove. I fall backwards landing between the ottoman and the cushion. I right myself and beckon her towards me with my index finger.
I’m sure the look on the face is that of a starving man but I don’t care, I want her right now, it’s been too freaking long. Without hesitation Claire pulls her t-shirt over her head and moves towards me. Her body has filled out since the last time I saw her like this, and I’m close to drooling. The slight flare of her hips and toned waist, her full tits overflowing from the top of her bra. She’s a masterpiece and I am the luckiest man alive to get to see her like this.
She pops the top button of her jeans and starts to shimmy them down her waist like my own private strip tease. Once her jeans hit her knees she steps out of them, her eyes never leaving mine. My dick is pushing against the zipper of my jeans so hard I could probably put a nail into wood right now.
“Sit on my face.” I tell her, my voice coming out much deeper from my arousal. The words come out as more of a command, but she works her way over to me anyway. I position her so her legs are braced on either side of my face held up by the cushions and she can hold on to the back of the couch. I’ve learned a few things since the last time we did this so she’d be wise to hold on. Once she straddles my face and her pussy is close to my chin I trail light kisses across her inner thighs. I look up to see her face flushed and her lips parted. With my left hand I reach around to her back side like I’m going to pull her close to me but I grab the T of her G-string and pull quickly. The thin lace gives way easily and I pull her pussy towards my mouth. Claire lets out a strangled moan at the initial contact. I notice her thighs shaking in my periphery and look up to her pulling away slightly.
“Smother don’t hover, baby. I’m trying to drown.” I growl at her. She sinks down further and I feel more of her weight on my face. That’s better. I get to work rolling her clit with my tongue. I see her grip the back of the couch and she starts to swivel her hips chasing her orgasm.
I have her juices in my eyebrows at this point and I couldn’t care less. She’s riding my face and I’m trying to keep up. My hand that was resting on her lower back snakes down between her ass cheeks and she tenses above me.Now in my limited experience this can go one of two ways, she either loves it and it sends her spiraling right now or she hates it and stops what she’s doing and we start all over. I roll the dice on this because fuck it might as well get the awkward out of the way now. My index finger lightly brushes her back entrance and her whole body locks. She throws her head back and pushes her ass towards my finger. I put a little more pressure on the knot and she moans so loud the walls feel it. Her whole-body shudders against me and I continue to work my tongue against her clit, letting her ride out the waves of her orgasm. When she comes back down her earth she moves to pull herself away from my face. I lock my arms around her holding her still.
“Uh uh. You stay right here until your legs give out.” I tell her with a smirk. “I want you to have to push my face away by the end of this.” The seriousness in my voice is unshaken, I mean every word of it.
Chapter 12
October 11,2018
My legs are jello as I make my way to the bathroom. After two orgasms on the couch we made our way to my old bedroom here and made up for serious lost time. I have stubble burns on my inner thighs and my hair looks like I fell asleep in a cave but sated happiness feels like it’s radiating off of me. After using the bathroom and brushing my teeth I walk into the kitchen and grab a glass from the cupboard, my purse sits on the kitchen table and I glance at it.
Maybe now, in the stillness of the night, would be a good time to read the letter my grandpa left me. I fill the cup up with water from the sink and wander over. When I pull the envelope from the main compartment of my purse I notice that it’s not old or worn like the handwritten will was. As quietly as possible I tear the top of the envelope open and pull the piece of notebook paper out.
I want to start off by saying that I am incredibly proud of you. You’ve followed your dream and you are doing exactly what you always wanted to. With that being said, there’s a reason I left you this house, I want you to always have a home base. When the world you’re living in becomes too much, know that you’ll always have a place to come back to. This is your home, always has been, always will be.
With that comes a stipulation, if you leave and plan to leave for good, make sure you leave Dawson too. You both deserve happiness and neither one of you is going to find it if you make him believe you’re coming back. I had 38 wonderful years with your grandma and I want that for you and Dawson as well but if you can’t make that work, cut him loose Claire. He loves you with his whole heart and if you can’t give him your whole heart, don’t make him live without his.
The deed to this house is enclosed in the envelope and I’ve left the grantee blank. Do with it what you like.
I love you,