I rise to my full height from the couch, towering over the small brunette.
“Welcome,” I say in a smooth tone. “Have we met before?”
After all, there’s something familiar about the woman’s features, although I can’t say what. Maybe it’s my libido playing tricks on me. Or maybe, it’s the fact that I’ve slept with so many women at this point that they all look familiar.
She lets out a gentle laugh.
“No, I don’t think so,” she murmurs. “I’d remember if we had, Prince Haakon.”
“Please, call me Haakon,” I say, gesturing for her to sit. “No “prince” necessary. Can I get you a drink?”
She swallows, and I watch with avid eyes as that slender neck ripples.
“Um sure,” Martha says, seating herself on the huge sofa I have in my living quarters. “I’ll have a water, please.”
My black brows rise.
“That’s all? You know it’s okay to drink on the job. I won’t tell anyone, least of all Nerilda.”
The gorgeous brunette merely clears her throat again, nodding slightly.
“In that case, just a splash of bourbon please. If you have it.”
I stride over to the bar, nodding.
“I definitely have it. Woodford Reserve good for you?”
She nods.
“Yes please.”
I pour a finger of the amber liquid into a tumbler, and then another for myself as well. Striding back to the living area, I hand Martha her drink.
“Don’t look so nervous, sweetheart,” I drawl. “I won’t bite. Not at first, at least. And trust me, it’s okay to start with some conversation. It’s not like I’m going to rip your clothes off and fuck you without even saying hello.”
The girl chokes on her drink then, so viciously that I’m alarmed. Immediately, I get up and start pounding on her back, watching as she coughs and sputters, eyes watering.
“Oh shit,” she murmurs. “There goes my mascara. Nerilda’s going to kill me.”
It’s true that her make-up has run so that her eyes look a bit blackened and droopy, but actually, I like the ravaged look. I prefer my women to appear fucked-up, even when they’re completely sane.
“Don’t worry about it,” I say in a smooth tone. “You look beautiful, Martha. You’re exactly my type in fact.”
She glances at me over the rim of her glass with innocent brown eyes.
“Yeah, absolutely,” I drawl. “Nerilda knows what I like, and the madame often delivers. Not this morning, of course, but most of the time.”
The brunette nods, her eyes darting to the ground.
“Definitely not this morning.”
I pin her with a look.
“So you know what happened, hmm? And you’re going to make up for the deficiency, aren’t you? That’s your job.”
The brunette looks at me with wide eyes before nodding slowly. I notice how her big bosom begins to rise and fall with her breaths. Is it from anticipation? Lust? Fear? A combination of all three? My cocks jerk in my pants, my body already hardening for conquest. Fuck, this is going to be exactly what I need.