“You don’t have even two dimes to rub together, you’re so common. But you know what else common girls have? They have street smarts, and you never got your fair share!”

Lily’s lips tremble as she goes pale.

“Yes, but I tried my best to please him, I swear, Nerilda. Just give me another chance. Haakon was in a bad mood, and I tried so hard but you know how the prince can get—”

The red-haired woman, whose name is evidently Nerilda, merely puts her hands on her hips and glares at Lily.

“I knowexactlyhow the prince can get because he’s been using my girls for months now! And you know what? The prince pays in gold coin. No credit cards, no crypto, no barter, and definitely no personal checks. He pays in cold hard coin, and I’m happy to have it. Now you’ve probably gone and lost our best customer!”

“No!” Lily exclaims, her cheeks going pale. “I didn’t! Just give me another chance, Nerilda. Please.”

At this point, the panties have dropped out of my lifeless fingers because this is something I didn’t expect. I had no idea that Prince Haakon had been using whores. I thought that as a member of the royal family, he’d be wining and dining supermodels, or at least using girls from high-end escort services. Instead, it seems our prince has a taste for filth of the dirtiest kind, and has been canoodling with two-bit prostitutes available on every street corner.

“Um, I’ll just go now,” I say in a small voice, already turning to leave. “Glad I got those panties back to you.”

But then, Nerilda barks, “Stop!” in a voice that sounds like the crack of a whip. I halt in my tracks.

“Yes?” I manage in a whisper. “Was there something else?”

The red-headed woman looks me up and down.

“What did you say your name was again?”

“Martha,” I murmur with a tremor to my voice. “I’d best be going now.”

Nerilda shakes her head violently, her red hair almost coming undone from its elaborate updo.

“You’ll do no such thing,” she hisses, still glaring at Lily. “Especially since Haakon has already called to complain.”

“I can explain,” Lily says again, her blue eyes wide. “I swear.”

Again, I try to make my escape by tiptoeing away, but Nerilda turns back to me, her green eyes almost jade-colored with enmity.

“Did I say you could go? Stop right there,” she hisses.

Meanwhile, Lily’s softly crying now while wringing her hands together in a hopeless fashion.

“I know Haakon wants virgins,” she says in a choked voice. “And I swear I was, until last night! But you know I’ve been dating Florian for a while now, and we couldn’t help ourselves last night. I slept with him,” she whispers in admission, tears spilling down her cheeks. “We’re in a relationship now, and it’s only right to sleep with your boyfriend!”

Oh wow, I had no idea that whores had boyfriends, but Nerilda doesn’t seem surprised at all. The madame just rolls her eyes, her hands still on her hips.

“You couldn’t wait for one more day? Seriously, you knew your appointment with the prince was today. How dumb are you?”

Lily’s sobbing with contrition now, her pretty features crumpled into a horrific grimace.

“No, because Florian said that as my boyfriend, my virginity was his to claim! He said losing it to the prince was bullshit, and that I wouldn’t see a penny of the prince’s fee anyways! It was Florian!” she shrieks. “But please, Nerilda, just give me a second chance! I’ll explain to Haakon what happened. I’m sure the prince will understand.”

The red-haired woman glares at her subordinate.

“Haakon definitelywon’tunderstand. In fact, he won’t care, full stop. That’s the kind of man we have for a client. You’re such an idiot, you know that? Sweet-talked by a blacksmith’s apprentice,” she snorts. “That Florian is a piece of work.”

“Well, what do I do?” Lily screams, practically hysterical now. The girl is literally tearing at her golden hair with her hands, looking more and more like a witch who’s just come out of a cave. “How do I make up for this?”

Nerilda snorts.

“You can’t,” she huffs. “Haakon’s already called to complain about the “unsuitable product.” That would beyou,” she says with another accusatory look at the blonde girl. “I swear, you bring shame on the House of Silk. My grandmother founded this brothel, and in all these years, we’ve never had a girl as idiotic as you. How the fuck am I supposed to find a replacement by tonight? All the other girls are already booked, and I can hardly sendyouin to repair the damage.”

Okay, this is getting out of hand. Obviously, this conversation wasn’t meant for my ears and I turn to go, trying to creep out without being noticed