Page 87 of Lost on Oblivion

“I’llhave some decontamination suites set up for the two of you,”CommanderSylvansaid. “Standby to fold space.Thesooner we get you home, the better.”

“Readywhen you are,Commander,”Cadesaid woodenly.

“We’llsee you at theMotherShipshortly,”CommanderSylvansaid.Thenthe viewscreen went blank.

“Decontaminationsuites?”Andisaid, turning toCade. “Howlong do you think we’ll be stuck in there?”

Heshrugged, his broad, bare shoulders rolling.

“Couldbe a few hours or a few days.Idon’t blameCommanderSylvanfor wanting to be thorough.Thinkof the number of males aboard theMotherShip.Ifthey all turned mindless and started assaulting their females…”Hetrailed off, shaking his head grimly.

Andiwasn’t sure what to say to that…or what to say to the bigHybridat all.Shewanted to try to apologize again, but she sensed he wasn’t in the mood to hear what she had to say.Soshe just kept silent on the trip home.Butall the way back, she was sure she could feelCadehating her.

Shethought she had never been more miserable in her life.



“Well, looks like you’re all set.Youstill have theMagroagaricustrisporusspoors in your system, but all our tests indicate that you’re not a carrier and you can’t pass them on to anyone.”Dr.Liv, the twin sister ofAndi’sfriendSophie, said.Shesat back on the semi-sterile white couch which was one of the few pieces of furniture in the decontamination suiteAndihad been in for the past week and nodded with apparent satisfaction.

“Thankyou.”Andinodded her gratitude, but she could barely keep still.Shehad been shifting restlessly in her seat during the whole examination.

Livfrowned at her speculatively.

“Areyou all right?You’reacting like you have ‘ants in your pants’ as my grandmother would have said.”

“I’mfine,”Andisaid quickly. “CanIgo now?”

Hertime in the decontamination suite had been like a vacation in hell.She’dbeen longing to talk toCadeagain—to try and explain to him what had happened onZo’rathThree.Shehadn’t done a good job of it last time—she needed to be completely honest with him and beg his forgiveness!

Butthat wasn’t the only reason she was shifting around like she had “ants in her pants” asLivhad said.Itwas the effects of the spoors—she was still feeling them.Andwhat she was feeling wasincrediblysexually needy.

Despitethe intense and almost painful breeding she’d had withCadejust a week ago, she now felt as though she hadn’t had sex inyears.Herwhole body was desperate for sexual contact and her pussy was aching to be filled.Shefeltemptyinside and no amount of touching herself helped.Andiwas sure what she needed was a male’s touch…and a thick shaft stretching her inner walls.

NotthatCadewill probably want to touch me or help me afterIconfess everything to him,she told herself.Butshe couldn’t help hoping that maybe the bigHybridwould take pity on her.Shewasn’t close enough with any other male on the ship to ask for that kind of intimate help and she didn’t really want to—she only wantedCade.

“Ican go now, right?” she asked again, sinceLivwas just sitting there, frowning at her.

“Notquite yet.”Livdrew in a deep breath. “Andi…Idon’t know how to say this butCade, yourProtector, has requested that you be examined and treated for sexual assault.”

“What?”AtlastAndistopped her restless shifting.Shefelt frozen in place by the other woman’s words.

“Hesays he assaulted you while you were onZo’rathThreetogether,”Livsaid in a low voice. “FromwhatIunderstand, he wasn’t completely in his right mind but if you want to press charges—”

“Presscharges?No!OfcourseIdon’t!”Andiexclaimed. “Whathappened wasn’t his fault—it was mine!Allmyfault!”

“Doyou want to talk about it?”Livasked gravely. “I’mhere to listen to anything you need to say.”

Andibit her lip.

“Pleasedon’t take this the wrong way, but the only personIwant to talk to isCade.Ineed to explain to him what happened…how things got so out of hand.Ididn’t do a very good job of it last time, butIneed to try harder to get him to listen.”

“Well,I’mafraid you might be too late to do that,”Livsaid doubtfully. “Myunderstanding is that he’s requested a change of assignment.He’smoving to an outpost of theKent’er’mein—they’re formerDarkKindredwho have left their past behind and become monks.”

“Monks?Whatdoes that even mean?CanIgo to him there?”Andidemanded.Shewas beginning to feel panicky.

“I’mafraid not—it’s a males only facility,”Livsaid apologetically. “Themales there have sworn off females completely—they wish to live their lives in silence and solitude.Infact, they won’t even receive calls from the outside world.It’slocated inside an asteroid and it’s a very insular community,” she added.