Page 68 of Lost on Oblivion

Andiwanted to tell him she wasn’t going anywhere—he had her pinned to the bed, after all, with his massive cock jammed all the way inside her.Wherecould she go?

Butshe knewCadewouldn’t understand in hisManimalstate—to him, she must be held still so he could fill her with his cum and plant his seed in her belly.OhGod, what if she was getting pregnant right now?

Well, if you are, you are,whispered that little voice in her head.It’stoo late to do anything about it now.Justenjoy the ride,Andi.

Atlast, after what seemed like forever, her pleasure faded a little and her pussy stopped clenching so tightly around his cock.Cadeseemed to have finished coming too, though he was still rock hard and thrust to the hilt inside her.

“Cade?” she moaned softly.God, how could hestillbe hard after she’d jerked him off in the bathtubandhe’d just come again inside her?Washe going to do it again?Shedidn’t know if she could stand it!

“Cade, please,” she whispered with a tremble in her voice. “Letme go for now—okay?It’sover now—time to be over.Timeto go to bed.”

Shedidn’t know if he understood her or not, but at last he pulled out of her.Andilet out a soft, exhausted moan and collapsed fully on the bed.Shecould feel his seed gushing out of her, wetting her inner thighs and trickling down her legs, but she couldn’t do a thing about it.Atleast the knot-guard had kept his knot out of her, she thought woozily.Shedidn’t know if she could have handled having that in her as well as the whole long shaft!Wherewould he even put it?She’dbeen stuffed full as it was.

Needto clean up,she told herself.Shewas able to reach the damp towel she’d been using to dryCade’slong hair earlier.Nowshe used it to clean herself as best she could, before climbing wearily into bed.Shedidn’t know when she’d felt more exhausted—the rough fucking and intense pleasure had really taken it out of her.

Cadeclimbed in beside her and pulled her close to his big body.Andistiffened at first, afraid that he was going to do it again.Thepleasure had been intense but she was worn out and definitely not looking for round two.

However,Cadesimply spooned her, cupping her body with his own, much larger one and wrapping an arm around her waist possessively.Clearlyhe felt he owned her now andAndicouldn’t really say he was wrong.Theonly thing missing was a soft growl of, “You’remine now, baby,” in her ear, but she could imagine he was thinking it, even if he couldn’t quite articulate it.

Theintense, passionate sex they’d just shared was what she’d always wanted with herProtector…she just wished it hadn’t happened when he was in a mentally vulnerable state!Howwas she ever going to explain this toCadewhen he came back to himself?

Hey,Ihope you don’t mind but while you were mentally out of itItempted you into having rough, mind-blowing sex with me.

Yeah, that wasn’t going to go over well.Sheknew how she would feel if the situation was reversed—she would feel betrayed and taken advantage of—maybe even sexually assaulted.Wasthat howCadewould feel when she admitted what had just happened between them?

Andihad no idea but as she thought about it, her eyes filled with tears.Whatif hehatedher when he found out what they’d done?Whatif he said he never wanted to see her again?

Achoked sob escaped her.OhGod, what had she done?She’dtaken advantage of him!TheKindredtook sexual relationshipsveryseriously.Theywere completely monogamous once they found the right woman and they usually didn’t have casual sex because sex meantBondingand a lifelong commitment to them.Cadewasnevergoing to forgive her!

Hottears wet her cheeks.Whatwas wrong with her?Shehad known it was wrong to offer herself as she had and yet she had done itanyway.

ThebigHybridseemed to sense her distress because he turned her over and pulled her close to his broad chest.Gently, he stroked her hair and looked at her with worried confusion, a questioning growl rumbling in his throat.

“OhCade,” she whispered through her sobs. “Wereally,reallyshouldn’t have done that!I’mso sorry—Ishouldn’t have started this.Ishouldn’t have let you.”

Cadeonly drew her closer and nuzzled her hair.Hemade another low rumbling sound thatAndithought was meant to be soothing.Hewas trying his best to comfort her, even though he clearly didn’t know why she was upset.

Andisniffed and swiped at her eyes.

“You’reso sweet,” she murmured, giving in and pressing her hot cheek against his chest.God, he smelled so good!Hiswarm, spicy scent smelled like home and safety. “Ijust hope you don’t hate me later,”Anditold him, as she pressed closer to him. “Ireallyhope you don’t.”



Cadewas unsure of the cause of his female’s distress.Hehad given her exactly what her body was crying out for—a deep, thorough fucking with enough cream to seed her womb several times over.

Hehad smelled the need on her—her feminine musk was sweet and insistent, calling him to fill her and breed her as clearly as if she had spoken the words aloud.Ofcourse,Cadedidn’t understand most of what she said, but that didn’t matter—he could read her body language and the scent of her need was unmistakable.Also, the way she had positioned herself, pushing out her luscious full ass and baring her pussy for him had been a clear invitation.

Thistime he had been able to get his entire shaft in her—all but the knot.Thistroubled him somewhat—it was important that he got his knot in her so that he couldBondher to him.Itwas the main reason he hadn’t bitten her as he came in her pussy—Bondingwas impossible withoutKnottingand biting at the same time.

Butstill, being able to fuck her to ease her need and fill her hungry womb with his seed was important too.Cadevowed to himself that from now on, he would breed her deeply and often—as often as her body called to his.Itwas clear that his female would require a lot of attention in this department.Andalso, her need called to him and brought on his own need.

Hepulled her closer, tucking her head under his chin and wrapping her in his arms.Shewas so precious to him—his beloved…his female…his mate.Hewould breed her again soon, but for now he was content to sleep with her safe in his arms.