Page 66 of Lost on Oblivion

Andihesitated, wondering if she ought to wash his shaft or leave the area completely alone.Thenit occurred to her that he’d been wearing the knot-guard all day and she really needed to check and make sure it wasn’t chafing him.

“Here,Cade—hold still a moment,” she murmured.Loweringthe water level so she could see him, she leaned over the tub and loosened the knot-guard.Carefully, she pushed it lower on his shaft, so it was just at the base—which was whereGoodieBo-long put the guards on all of herManimals.

Shetightened it again to be sure she didn’t forget and then examined his shaft, stroking it gently up and down to be certain it wasn’t sore or chafed anywhere.

Cadeseemed to enjoy this immensely.Hegrowled softly and shifted his hips, thrusting into her soapy hand with long strokes that madeAndifeel like she was melting with lust.

Imagineif he was thrusting like that inside you!whispered the naughty little voice.Thinkhow hot it would be to feel all of that long, thick shaft stretching your pussy!

Shetried to push the thought aside—thatwasn’tgoing to happen, she told herself.Andto besureit wasn’t, she was going to go ahead and jerk the bigHybridoff right here in the bathtub.

Thatshould get his lust down to a manageable level, so we don’t have any further incidents like the last two nights,she told herself firmly.Itmight have been just an excuse to keep handling his long, thick shaft, butAnditold herself it was necessary so they could both sleep easily—Cadebecause he was sexually satisfied andAndiherself because she didn’t have to worry about him trying to get his cock in her in the middle of the night.

Soshe went on stroking him up and down, even leaning over to cup his heavy balls and roll them gently in her palm.Cadegrowled with pleasure and continued to fuck her hand until finally she felt him throbbing and growing even bigger in her fist and then he was spurting white cream all over her fingers.

“God!” she murmured, looking down at the mess as the bigHybrid’scock continued to jerk and spurt.Cadecertainly did come a lot!She’dread somewhere that the average human male only came between a teaspoon and a tablespoon.Notso withKindredapparently—it looked like he’d shot a gallon of the stuff by the time he was done!

Andyet, to her surprise, he didn’t get soft.

“Hey, what’s going on here?”Andimurmured, looking down at the still-hard shaft in her hand. “Whyaren’t you wilting by now?”

Ofcourse,Cadecouldn’t answer her—he just rumbled approval and leaned forward to lick the side of her neck.

Andifelt a shiver go through her at the touch of his hot, wet tongue on her sensitive flesh.Shestill had hickeys all over both sides of her throat where herProtectorhad sucked her and marked her as his own—she didn’t need to add more to her collection!

“Allright now, that’s enough,” she said, trying to sound stern. “Let’sget you cleaned up and out of the tub.”

Shewasn’t sure why he hadn’t gotten soft after coming—if anything, it almost seemed like he’d gotten harder!Butshe wasn’t going to hang around and find out—she could just imagine him dragging her into the tub and impaling her on that thick club of flesh poking out from between his thighs.

Actually, her overactive brain wanted to show her exactly that in vivid details butAndidid her best to push the lascivious thoughts out of her mind.God, it hadn’t been that long ago thatCadehad given her the most intense orgasm of her life when he penetrated her and bit her in the “fucking chair.”Whywas she so horny again—so sexuallyhungry?

Maybeit has something to do withTheScent—maybe it reallydoesmake everyone horny, likeFlow-da said,she thought.

Well, she wasn’t going to give in to it, she told herself firmly.Shewas going to get dressed for bed and go to sleep and not eventhinkabout any kind of sex with her big, hot, animalisticProtector…

Determinedto do exactly that,Andifinished dryingCadeoff—there was no question of putting him in the hair dryer cylinder, it would only confuse and upset him—and went back to the bedroom.

GoodieBo-long had bought her a lovely silk nighty to sleep in at one of the shops they’d visited.Itwas red and it set off her long, dark hair beautifully,Andithought.She’dfallen in love with it the minute she saw it—she hadn’t even minded that it was short on her.Afterall, most things were since she was so tall.

Butnow she slipped it on and noticed that the silky red hem just barely covered her ass.Itmade her think ofFlow-da’s confession—about how whenever she leaned over anywhere, herManimal,Hartford, took it as an invitation to mount her.

Justthe thought madeAndi’snipples get tight and she could feel her pussy getting wet.Shereally shouldn’t do anything to invite the bigHybridto take her, she told herself sternly.Still, was that a wrinkle in the gray satin coverlet on the other side of the bed?Shedidn’t want to go to sleep with wrinkled covers—did she?

Tellingherself she was just going to straighten the bed, she leaned over the plush mattress.Shecould feel the hem of the silky red nighty rising to expose her bare ass and the soft fabric felt amazing when it rubbed against her tight nipples as she lay against the bed.

Shewas very aware ofCadestanding behind her as she did this.Shewas also aware of the fact that she was extremely wet—her juices were coating her inner thighs.God, what was wrong with her?Shecouldn’t remember ever being so hot and bothered so often or so intensely in herlife.

Shecould feel her pussy throbbing like a second heartbeat between her thighs and whenCadedropped to his knees behind her, she didn’t do anything to stop him—not even when she felt his big hands spreading her legs and his hot breath on her pussy lips.

“Oh,Cade!” she moaned, shifting her hips as he lapped her deeper, somehow unerringly finding her clit.

Herex hadn’t been able to find her pleasure button with two hands and a flashlight, as the saying goes—how was it that the bigHybridcould always find it with no problem—and stimulate her perfectly?Evenwith his mind stuck in theManimalstate, he seemed to have an instinct about where to touch her and the exactwayto touch her to make her melt with pleasure.

Shefelt a little guilty—she’d basically offered herself on a platter to herProtector.Buthe was only tasting her and he’d done that several times before.

It’snot like he’s breeding me,she told herself.Orcoming inside me—that would be wrong.Butthis is not so bad…is it?

Shehoped not, anyway.ThebigHybridseemed to crave the taste of her honey and since he’d already had it several times before, she didn’t see how it could be too bad to let him lick her pussy again.Infact, she even spread her thighs wider and tilted her hips back, giving him better access.