Page 93 of Lost on Oblivion

“So…you had to let me suck your breasts?”Caderaised an eyebrow at her. “Justto keep me in line?”

“Well…yes.”Andishrugged. “Imean, it was the only way.Mostof the women did it.Well, other than theNewOrdercult members—they were the ones that captured us and separated us so you would goPrimal,” she added. “Thosewomen used shock collars on theirManimalsto keep them in line.ButIdidn’t want to do that to you!Ididn’t want to hurt you.”

“Soyou letmehurtyouinstead,”Cadesaid grimly.

“Hurtme?No!”Andiprotested. “Ialready told you, what we were doing felt really good to me—Ijust felt guilty for taking advantage of you.”

Heshook his head.

“Enoughof that—you didn’t take advantage.Youwere trying to give me whatIneeded.Ifucking appreciate that.”

“I…Icould give you some now,”Andioffered.Shedidn’t know how she got the nerve to say something so bold—the words just sort of popped out. “Imean, if you want me to…to show you howIgave you mySweetDrops,” she added, blushing.

Cadegot an interested look in his eyes.

“Areyou making them now?The, uh, ‘SweetDrops’?” he asked.

“Ithink so—at least, my breasts feel full and my nipples are really tender,”Andiadmitted. “Like…like theyneedto be sucked,” she added, giving him a look from under her lashes.

“Hmm…well,I’dlove to help you with that, if you want me to, sweetheart,” he growled. “Doyou?”

“Yes!”Andinearly moaned.Shedidn’t mean to be so shameless, but her breastsreallyached and she hadn’t been kidding when she’d said her nipples were tender.

Quickly, she unbuttoned her blouse and unfastened her bra, which happened to be a front-hooking one.Shepeeled back the lace cups, exposing her full, bare breasts to him.

Aseager as she was,Andicouldn’t help feeling shy.EventhoughCadehad seen her breasts and sucked them often during their time onOblivion, this was the first time he was actually seeing them while he was truly himself.Whatwould he think of her?Shedidn’t have to wait to find out.

“Gods, baby—so fucking beautiful,” he growled hoarsely. “CanI?” he added, reaching for her.

“Yes!”Andinodded eagerly. “Please—Ineedyou to.”

Cadecupped her heavy globes in his big, warm, hands, kneading them gently.

“Youneed me to suck them, baby?” he murmured, thumbing her tight nipples and sending tingling sparks of pleasure shooting through her entire body. “Needme to suck your beautiful breasts for you?”

“Yes, please!”Andimoaned, thrusting her breasts out even more. “Please,Cade!”

“Mypleasure, baby,” he growled.Thenhe ducked his head and took one of her tight nipples deep in his hot mouth.

Andimoaned again, this time with mingled pleasure and relief as he sucked the accumulated nectar from her heavy breast while he kneaded her other breast and circled her aching nipple with his thumb.Shecould feel her pussy getting hotter and wetter all the time and she had to squeeze her thighs together tightly to try and ease the ache.

AtlastCadereleased her first nipple.

“Gods, sosweet—Ican tell why they call it ‘SweetDrops’,” he rumbled, looking up at her. “Comehere, baby—let me suck the other one.”

Andiwas more than happy to let him.Shecried out softly as he sucked the other tight nipple, running her fingers through his thick hair as she urged him to take more, to suck harder.Andshe felt every deep pull of his hot mouth between her thighs, in her swollen pussy.

Atlast, whenCadehad emptied her other breast, he sat back, licking his lips.

“Betternow, sweetheart?” he asked hoarsely.


“Somuch better.Thankyou,” she murmured.Shemade a move to cover herself with her bra again, but the bigHybridstopped her.

“No, baby—leave them out.Letme look at your beautiful breasts a little while longer.”

“Oh, er, okay.”Andiblushed again, but she felt a mixture of embarrassment and pride.She’dalways thought that her breasts were too big, butCadeseemed to love them as much now that he was in his right mind as he had when he was aManimal.