Page 31 of Lost on Oblivion

Itseemed she was going to find out—but she didn’t want it to be up against the wall.

“Cade…Cade?”Shetapped him lightly on the shoulder.

Toher surprise, he looked up, though he didn’t relinquish her breast.

“Thebed.”Andigestured at the large round bed with its patchwork spread. “Comeon—let’s go over there, okay?It’llbe more…more comfortable,” she managed to get out.

Cadeat last let her nipple slip from his mouth, but kept his hands possessively on her breasts.Hemade a noise which, toAndi’ssurprise, sounded a little like “bed.”

“Yes, yes—that’s right!”Shenodded eagerly. “Youcan…can suck my breasts if you want to, but we have to do it on the bed.On…the…bed,” she repeated slowly, for clarity.

Cademust have understood because the bigHybridabruptly swung her into his arms and headed for the bed.Hedumped her unceremoniously onto the round mattress and then climbed on top of her.

“Cade!” she gasped, feeling half smothered by his naked, muscular bulk. “Hey—be careful!”

Inanswer, he lowered his face to her neck again and inhaled deeply before licking and sucking her throat again.

“Ohhh!”Andiwrithed under him.Shehad never felt so helpless…or sohot.Andshe felt surrounded by the bigHybrid.Noman had ever made her feel petite before, butCadedid.Hewas just so big and muscular and his warm, spicy scent was invading her senses, making her breathless with desire.Andiwas nearly ready to just give in and let him do anything he wanted to her.

Thenshe felt something hot and hard pressing against her thigh which served as a wakeup call.

Ifshe letCademount her, he would get his knot into her and they would be tied together—possibly for hours.Andbesides the obvious problem of a possible surprise visit byGoodieTight-azz, who might kick them out, there was also the consequences of any potential mating.

Shemight form aBondwith the bigKindred, for instance.Andiknew a little bit aboutBondingSex—a very little bit—from what she’d heard, it was different with different kinds ofKindred.Butwhat if she letCadeknot her and that bonded them together and then he came back to his right mind?Howcould she explain the fact that she’d allowed a permanentSoulBondto form between the two of them while he was mentally incapacitated?

Haveto stop this—have to be careful!Anditold herself.

“Cade…”Shetapped him on the shoulder, trying not to moan in his ear as he licked and sucked her neck.Shewas going to have the mother of all hickeys there tomorrow. “Cade, come on—Ithought…thought you wanted to suck my breasts,” she murmured.Shewas hoping that theSweetDropsactually would calm him down, asFlow-da had claimed.Whereasif she let him keep on sucking her neck and dry humping her, he was eventually going to want to do a lot more.

Hopinghe would get the point, she put one of his big hands on her breast again.

Asshe had thought, this got his attention.Hesqueezed her soft mound and growled with desire.Slidingdown her body, he began sucking her nipples once more, which sent showers of sparks throughAndi’swhole body.

“Oh,Cade!” she moaned.Givingup any pretense of not loving what the hugeHybridwas doing to her, she arched her back, offering herself to him completely.Shecould feel guilty later—right now his hot mouth was working magic on her tight, tender peaks.

Thethought that maybe her nipples had grown as sensitive and as capable of giving pleasure as her clit occurred to her yet again as she felt the sensations building.Cadewas sucking her right peak hard and deep and gently teasing the left one in a way that made her writhe under him and moan softly.

Itamazed her thatCadewas still so good with his hands.Hismind had been reduced to an animalistic state—it didn’t seem like he ought to still retain such fine motor function.Butthe gentle tit torture he was performing on her with his fingers proved he did.

Andthen his hand left her breast and slid lower.

Andistiffened as she felt his long fingers curl around the mound of her pussy.Ohno—what was he trying to do?Washe going to try and take her panties off?Didhe have the mental capacity to do that or was he thinking like an animal that didn’t understand the significance of barriers?

Whenhe’d been licking her under the table, she’d been afraid that he might just tear her panties right off with his teeth, but he hadn’t done that.Andhe wasn’t doing it now—in fact, he seemed to be rubbing his fingertips up and down her mound, as though he was trying to find a way in.

“Cade?” she whispered, looking down at him.

ThebigHybridwas still sucking her nipple but he looked up at the sound of his name.

“Whatare you trying to do?”Andiasked him, though she knew he probably didn’t understand.

Hegave a low growl and pressed harder, making her gasp since his seeking fingertips had found their way between her pussy lips and were rubbing against her aching clit.Onlythe thin fabric of her panties kept him from sliding his fingers deep in her pussy.

Thethought madeAndibite her lip with a mixture of desire and guilt.

“Do…do you want to touch me?Downthere,Imean?” she asked, still holding his golden eyes with her own.Maybeit would help to calm him down, she reasoned.Maybehe needed more intimate contact with her.Butshe had to be careful—she couldn’t let this go too far.

Cademade an affirmative sound and rubbed his seeking fingertips over her pussy again.