Page 23 of Lost on Oblivion

“Well, you can’t just stop a habit right away,”Flow-da protested. “Youhave to do itgradually.Youknow?Soit makes sense to letHartfordbreed me when we get toAnterizeand thenIcanslowlyget him to stop it.Overa period of days or weeks.Maybeeven months or years,” she added thoughtfully. “Imean, it feels so good for him to put his big thick shaft in my tight cunny and breed me—it might take a long,longtime to break him of that naughty habit.Wouldn’tyou think so?”

“Iguessso.”Andishrugged.Really, it was none of her business what theZo’rathiangirl did with herManimal.

Sheshifted on the bed uncomfortably.Shecouldn’t help picturing the sceneFlow-da had described in such vivid detail, but instead of seeing theZo’rathiangirl, she was imagining herself andCadein that exact same situation.Shecould just picture the hugeHybridcoming up behind her as she bent over and thrusting his long, thick cock all the way inside her tight pussy and—

Stopit!she told herself fiercely.Stopit right now,Andi!Youcan’t start thinking like that—it isn’t right!

Justthen, a loud clanging bell interrupted her thoughts.

“Oh—that’s theThirdMealbell!”Flow-da exclaimed, jumping up. “Comeon—GoodieTight-azz might be a real pain, but shedoesput on a nice spread for mealtimes.”

“Uh—is there anyBoom-boom juice involved?”Andiasked cautiously, also getting up from the bed.

Flow-da laughed.

“Notunless you ask for it.Idon’t care for it myself—even itisthis town’s claim to fame.”

Andiwas relieved.Shedidn’t think she could stomach an entire meal that was laced with the spicyBoom-boom juice.

“Comeon!”Flow-da motioned for her and then waved at herManimal. “Hartford, stay with me,” she ordered.

ThebigManimalcame on all fours to her side and looked up at her expectantly.

Andithought that it really did seem as though he was very well trained.Whichmade her wonder again exactly how “accidental” the many breedings and knottingsFlow-da had confessed to her actually were.

However, it was none of her business, she decided.Shewas only here to get by until the moon shuttle came back next week and then hopefully she could contact theKindredand get some help forCade.

Whatabout theSweetDropsthough?whispered a little voice in her head.Areyou going to letCadesuck your nipples to keep him quiet and docile?

Definitelynot,Andidecided firmly.Thatwould be unprofessional in the extreme, no matter how hot it sounded.Andbesides, what if once they got back to theMotherShipand found a cure forCade, he remembered everything they’d done together onZo’rathThree?Thinkhow embarrassing it would be!Andhow angry he would probably be with her.No, it wasn’t to be considered.

Besides,Idon’t think it’s going to be a problem,Anditold herself.He’sbeen really good so far.Hetried to suck my nipple that one time, but afterItold him to stop and pushed him away, he didn’t try it again.Idon’t thinkTheScentaffects him quite the same way it affects theZo’rathianmales.

Atleast, she certainly hoped not.BecauseifCadegot “all sexed up” and started acting like one of the wild man pack they’d fought off on their way here,Andiwas going to be in serious trouble.



Cadesniffed the air as he trailed his female down the hallway.Hewasn’t sure what she had been talking about with the other female, but whatever it was had made her feminine scent extremelyhot.

Also, the other female had allowed her male to suck her breasts—when would his female allow him to do that, he wondered?Hewanted to taste the sweetness he could scent coming from her.Thesweet smell called to him—almost as much as the hot, feminine scent of her pussy.

Needto suck her breasts and lick her pussy,he thought, feeling a growl of desire rise in his throat.Theneed for breeding had been growing in him and the way his female smelled so ready to be bred only made him hotter.Butof course, he would need to lick her long and deep before his shaft would fit comfortably in her pussy—he knew that instinctively.

Soon, he needed to taste her and breed hersoon, he thought restlessly.Whenwould he get a chance to give her what they both needed?

Cadehoped he didn’t have to wait much longer.



Thetrouble started soon after they all sat down to dinner—orThirdMeal, as theZo’rathiansapparently called it.

Andiwas seated in a chair across fromFlow-da, withGoodieTight-azz at the far end of the table.Therewas no one else—well, unless you counted the twoManimalswho were under the table.

Therewas a thirdManimalin the room, whoAndithought must belong toGoodieTight-azz, but he was chained in the corner on a very short choke-collar which kept him close to the wall.