Page 128 of Protector Daddy

Consolingly, I patted his chest. “They know us. I’m sure their design was built to accommodate such.”

“What adjustments?”

“You’re going to have to build two more swings. If I have a sanctuary, I want you and Reagan there too. You can sit in mine with me, but you know, with kids around, it requires pants.”

“Now she crushes my dreams.” He dragged me to him, crushing me in a hard hug before he swept me up into his arms. “Let’s start with our bed. It’s hard to get manual labor on holidays.”

I reached up to brush his newly longer hair out of his steely blue eyes. “As you wish, sir.”



The first day of spring

I was doing it today.

I was proposing.

And I only felt slightly lightheaded.

I peered out the back door to where Honey was swinging barefoot in the backyard. Swinging and reading, her favorite thing to do.

They hadn’t been able to complete the swing until last week due to the unpredictable spring storms around here. But the snow had finally let up and Moose and Lucky had taken advantage. They’d built a replica of the swing in her sanctuary, except along the outside were artificial flowers and tiny fairy lights so it served as a spring decoration too.

As explained by Honey, because I was not quite evolved enough yet to pay attention to things like seasonal decorations. I was lucky I remembered Christmas.

It also had an attached bread box swing at the side for the baby and more room in the swing itself, because Boomer was not about to be separated from his lady.Eitherof his ladies, since Reagan now had a reading swing in her room too for her occasional visits, with extra added Boomer room.

Good thing I’d invested well because I’d now spent a small fortune on reading swings. And baby swings. And Boomer swings.

But every one of them were being used and loved.

Oh, and we had a puppy to get soon too. So he or she would probably need a swing too.

Somehow I’d started a new cottage industry. I fully expected the trend to take off anytime now.

I couldn’t stop watching Honey swinging away on hers. Her long golden blond hair blew around her shoulders and her long dress billowed with every movement. She’d covered her lap with a blanket and Boomer had his head on her lap. One of his legs draped down in the back, but he didn’t seem to care. He was where he was happiest.

Me too. Just watching Honey was where we’d started this craziness last fall. Though she hadn’t realized I’d noticed her at first.

I hadn’t even paid attention that closely at the beginning. Just something had drawn me to the window. Then my gaze had zeroed in her bending down to feed the ducks with her hair flowing free as if she was some wood nymph.

I hadn’t looked away since.

Quietly, I opened the back door, fingering the box in my pocket. Boomer’s head lifted immediately, ears perked, but she kept reading, circling her ankles as she swung back and forth. I was amazed the swings could even move considering their size, but Lucky and Moose along with being wonder dads of twins, could build like no one else.

My attention shifted as it always did to the small swell of Honey’s belly, clearly visible in her clingy dress. She was almost six months along now and worshipping her stomach was on my daily list of favorite things to do.

She was so beautiful in every way—and not just the physical.

As if she sensed me watching her, she took out her earbuds and set down her Kindle. “You know, I was wondering.”

I stopped my creeping toward her. “Yeah?”

“How did Mickey help with my Christmas surprise? You said you bribed her to help.”

“Oh, yeah. She got you onto the bench in front of the station so you were right where I needed you to whisk you away.”